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Comment Re:Wait a sec... (Score 1) 409

I and many others don't think Iran's pursuit of nuclear technology has anything to do with power generation, and that is the problem. There are far more cost effective options for Iran than nuclear power plants if what they want is electrical power generation.

So why are we still building nuclear power stations in the West if they're so expensive and pointless?

Just curious.

Comment Re:Respect has to be earned (Score 2) 409

The coup was a counter-coup. The Iranian PM was the one that overthrew the government, faked an election, dissolved parliament, was ruling by decree, and caused the Shah to flee.

Bollocks. The Iranian PM (and democratically elected government) were going to nationalise the oil industry, and thus pissed off the British and Americans who organised the coup to place the Shah in charge.

Comment Re:Why all the Safari/Apple hate ?... (Score 1) 311

How old were you when you signed up for /. with that UID? 8?

I'm calling BS.

Someone above has pointed out that by " As a 20yr IT guy" he probably meant "an IT guy with 20 years experience in the industry", which is a classic example of why writing standard English is a good idea if you want people to understand you properly.

Comment Re:Why all the Safari/Apple hate ?... (Score 1) 311

As a 20yr IT guy,.. who started using Macs (in depth) about 5 to 7 years ago.. I pretty much use Safari for everything. Why?... It gives me the best Stability, Performance and Battery-life. Call it whatever names you want... but it works for me. (and I work in IT.. and push it pretty hard.. so No, I'm not "just surfing Facebook" with it).

Am I right in thinking you work in IT?

Comment Re:Wetware hack: Sardines as desert (Score 2, Funny) 145

I introduced sardines to my daughters as desert, and only give it to them as a treat. Now they enjoy an inexpensive, healthy snack when other kids demand ice cream and chocolate. If that's not a hack, then I don't know what is.

No offence, but are your kids retarded, or do you just lock them up in the basement away from any other human contact?

I find it hard to believe they don't know what "sweet" tastes like.

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UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
