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Submission + - Australian ISPs Reject Calls To Police Their Users

jon_cooper writes: After recent setbacks in the RIAA's lawsuits, AFACT (Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft) has decided to try a different approach in Australia and want ISPs to do their dirty work for them. However, Australian ISPs have soundly rejected calls from AFACT to slow down or terminate user accounts that AFACT has determined are being used to distribute copyrighted works. Telstra had this to say, "... we do not believe it is up to the ISPs to be judge, jury and executioner in relation to the issue when the content owners have any number of legal avenues to pursue infringements."

Submission + - Boeing Helping to Develop Algae-based Jet-Fuel (stuff.co.nz)

jon_cooper writes: Air New Zealand, Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation and Boeing are working together to develop and test a bio-fuel derived from algae. Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation began operating in May last year after it met a request from the local council to deal with excess algae on sewage ponds. Boeing's Dave Daggett was reported this year as saying algae ponds totalling 34,000 square kilometres could produce enough fuel to reduce the net CO2 footprint for all of aviation to zero.

Harry Potter Leaked Via Handheld Camera 427

owlgorithm writes "Salon reports that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has been leaked four days before it hits bookstores. It turns out that someone with access to the American edition of the book has taken a photograph of every one of the pages and made them available via bittorrent. Publishers may well be quaking in their boots, but in some places the quality is barely legible. On many pages the pirateer's hands are in the pictures with other pages needing a bit of Photoshopping just to make out the words. It appears many of the sites have been removing the content, naturally enough."

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Software production is assumed to be a line function, but it is run like a staff function. -- Paul Licker
