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Comment WHO CARES (Score 0) 319

Theoretically drivers texting drinking having sex painting their toenails or smoking crack MIGHT be more hazardous to others than those who are not. So what. I'd rather (1) drive doing all o those things when I please (which I in fact DO do, a and when I please, for decades now) (2) see me not forced to deal with the idea that some idiots think that there is some magic that creates a "law" I should obey when I don't feel like it (3) let others do as I do - I defend myself from other drivers by PAYING ATTENTION.

Comment circular agrument (Score 1) 187

To me the BENEFIT of something is my enjoyment of it. I see no great benefit in empathy tolerance and other 'artist" type attitudes in others. Helping others LEARN, WORK, PRODUCE now that might be useful to me. Making them nice people is as far as I am concerned up to them, I don't give a damn if others are tolerant or Nazis at heart.

Comment Yes Privacy is a disease (Score 1) 145

People evolved to live in each others' laps. Gossip served where dictatorial and incompetent piles of programs laws regulations attack ads and lawsuits now reign. Not to mention Uninformed Security or the Department of Homeland Insecurity.

Record everything. And junk the idea that anyone has but two obligations: restrict themselves to mutually voluntary transactions and refrain from injury or threat to the lives, liberties, or properties of others. There should be no public law morals or opinion, beyond mutual guidelines to facilitate exchange, such as how long a meter is or how pure the water we receive or pass on ought to be.

Comment silly fake issue (Score 1) 268

From chopping wood cranking the telephone and radio maybe...to today. Every innovation starts with an elite, either of money or of experimentation. The more attractive ones tend to spread, attracting people money ideas and tending to in these times where so little (besides outrageously expensive NECESSITIES) depends of things which tend to be both physical and scarce. And would you rather the big hats experimented on us po folk?

Comment Delay? Why? (Score 1) 375

Sounds like the devices have already accomplished all they can: the students have learned how to master their iPads and are now using them exactly as they please. Which is what human being do with anything they find lying about in their environment. HOORAH!

If the ideas were to empower, to teach electronic/digital literacy, to open minds to options and to information, mission accomplished!

Probably the only thing NOT learned by now, is adult interaction with others. Perhaps when these kids are 10 or 20 years older, THAT may be largely digitally mediated as well.

Comment Great Idea! Can't wait! (Score 1) 625

Some Sci Fi has speculated that people will mostly not HAVE to work to have abundant goods and services. That future may be at hand. It's a good thing!

What is needed are: (1) Continuing encouragement to those who are able and willing to advance or maintain this state of affairs; (2) reasonable re-distribution for all others; (3) sea change in how we look at work - from a prerequisite for having stuff, to a matter of having an option to be useful to others for purposes of dignity and possibly access to the latest and greatest.

Comment TOO Bad for the Lepers then (Score 1) 452

I am unalterably opposed to collective action of any kind to address the alleged drawbacks of what happens when technology empowers me and others to effectively make choices that others may dislike whether because the idea offends them or the consequences harm them. Actionable harm ought to be limited to damage or threat of damage to life, liberty or property. If all the businesses in a neighborhood go broke and none of the property has much value on the market because outsiders avoid the place, so what.

And it does not matter if its a racial think or even a conscious conspiracy. There is no particular reason people's choices should be limited because of harm to others - unless the harm involves use of force or its threatened use. There are criminal laws about that.

Comment OH NO - where do these people come from? (Score 1) 203

  a few seconds ago


Perhaps Pearl Harbor was NOT an act of war. It was after all only a single airborne strike, doing limited damage (no aircraft carriers were even hit - as they were not there at the time), with no boots on the ground.

Acts of War are not casual and typically have consequences unanticipated and undesired by those who commit them.

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