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Comment Re:Wrong premise (Score 1) 435

Anyways, it's just too opinionated, from his 4 examples - PHP, JS, Python, Ruby - only PHP and JS are really widespread, with Ruby still rather rare and Python somewhere inbetween.

And then there's this pearl:

From TIOBE http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html :
6. PHP
8. Python
10. Javascript
12. Ruby

From LangPop http://langpop.com/ :
4. PHP
5. Javascript
6. Python
10. Ruby

Just for the record. Certainly they are all very popular languages.

Comment I don't see this working (Score 1) 109

Seams boxing isn't too much of an issue for vanilla python when summing 1000,000 integers.

$ pypy -m timeit "sum(range(1000000))"
10 loops, best of 3: 55.2 msec per loop
$ python -m timeit "sum(range(1000000))"
10 loops, best of 3: 71.5 msec per loop
$ python3 -m timeit "sum(range(1000000))"
10 loops, best of 3: 62.7 msec per loop
$ python -m timeit "sum(xrange(1000000))"
10 loops, best of 3: 26.6 msec per loop
$ pypy -m timeit "sum(xrange(1000000))"
10 loops, best of 3: 132 msec per loop

$ pypy --version
Python 2.7.1 (?, May 02 2011, 19:05:35)
[PyPy 1.5.0-alpha0 with GCC 4.6.0]
$ python --version
Python 2.7.1
$ python3 --version
Python 3.2

Submission + - Where to Go When Google Locks You Out? (blogspot.com) 2

Lobais writes: It can be difficult to find out where to head, when a free service suddenly lock you out from your data. A man spent three years trying to find his way back in.

After about a year of using Google groups for the PyChess project, I started feeling a problem. When I wrote mails to the list, no one would answer. And when I answered other peoples post, they seamed to ignore them and press for new answers. As I tried to check the online group to see what was happening, I got a 403 Forbidden error. After a short while I realised that this error was given for any page one the groups.google.com sub domain.
The lockout meant that I was unable to manage the PyChess mailing list. I was unable to fight the, at that time, increasing spam level; and more importantly I couldn't reply anybody in my community. I wasn't even able to visit the Google help fora, which are all on groups.google.com.
As the services are free of charge, I never really expected any support options. However I also never really expected the need for them. When things failed, I saw no way to buy the missing support, and the friendly facade suddenly seamed like a tall dark wall.
Perhaps the grief of this issue is in its rareness, but how can we know how often this kind of thing happens? If any admin can lock you all out by a sloppy click, and give you no option to defend yourself, then it is bound to happen once in a while.


Submission + - SPAM: Winners of Les Trophées du Libre Announce

Lobais writes: "Saturday the finals of Les Trophées du Libre was hold in Sossions in France. Les Trophées du Libre is a competition is intended to bestow an honour to the best existing free software, in order to demonstrate the wealth of creativity of developers, companies and institutions, and to promote the benefits of this type of software. The winners in the seven categories: Media, Professional, Security, Administration, Sciences, Hobbies and Education was found between 21 finalists carefully selected from more than hundred registered participants. The winners include many interesting, upcomming projects such as Ksplice, that lets you apply security patches without closing or restarting your server. The rest of the winners: [spam URL stripped]"

NVIDIA Shaking Up the Parallel Programming World 154

An anonymous reader writes "NVIDIA's CUDA system, originally developed for their graphics cores, is finding migratory uses into other massively parallel computing applications. As a result, it might not be a CPU designer that ultimately winds up solving the massively parallel programming challenges, but rather a video card vendor. From the article: 'The concept of writing individual programs which run on multiple cores is called multi-threading. That basically means that more than one part of the program is running at the same time, but on different cores. While this might seem like a trivial thing, there are all kinds of issues which arise. Suppose you are writing a gaming engine and there must be coordination between the location of the characters in the 3D world, coupled to their movements, coupled to the audio. All of that has to be synchronized. What if the developer gives the character movement tasks its own thread, but it can only be rendered at 400 fps. And the developer gives the 3D world drawer its own thread, but it can only be rendered at 60 fps. There's a lot of waiting by the audio and character threads until everything catches up. That's called synchronization.'"

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