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Comment Re:At Long Last... (Score 1) 144

I don't blame you, Ruby syntax can be rather arcane.
facebook_user.each do |user| ... end

Can be translated as:
facebook_user.map(function(user){ ... })

Basically "each" is an array method and "do |var| ... end" is a "block"/closure/anonymous function. "|var|" can be omitted if there are no arguments, I don't know the syntax for multipel arguments. I do know that "do ... end" can be written as "{|var| ... }". I really don't know which version is considered syntactic sugar of the other. BTW Ruby blocks aren't *really* anonymous functions. You cannot save them to a variable as:
foo = do |bar| ... end

Blocks can only be passed to methods, but, not as arguments as so "facebook_user.each" is actually being called with no arguments like "facebook_user.each()" the method is passed the block through another channel that sets a flag inside the method which then calls the block as a closure using the "yield" keyword. Of course you can only pass 1 block this way. If a method needs two callbacks it must return some sort of delegate object that has a method that can accept the next callback as another block.

Oh and almost forgot to mention that there is an implicit "return" at the end of all ruby blocks. This is Ruby's idea of simple. But at least the syntax for map is really compact!

Comment Mark had the ball and dropped it. (Score 1) 419

As a rather assholish user already noted the thing Linux/Free software needs the most are standarization and small detail polishing. busted-shitter he called it. Unglamorous thankless tasks like translations and documentation.

The thing is Ubuntu was way ahead on the way of becomeing The standard Linux distro, it had an army of loyal contributors eager to translate, debug and package things for Ubuntu.

Then Mark decided to be an asshole, hired a team of Cuppertino rejects and started going his way against any input from Ubuntu's comunity. The famous "Ubuntu is not a democracy" line was uttered, and destroyed any pretence of community the project once had.

From the begining people accepted "Canonical as the commercial consultant on all matters Ubuntu", not "Ubuntu as product of Canonical". Shuttleworth became the CEO of a company of unpaid employers that had no say in its direction. And the comunity moved on elsewhere, mostly to Mint.

And now Shuttleworth acts shocked, shocked that nobody loves him. The man that decided he didn't have to listen to anybody complains that nobody listens to him.

Comment Re:Ads are anti-capitalist (Score 1) 193

I still like propaganda more.

By my own definitions. If you are writing/producing/pushing a message to promote something you like for yourself and want to share with others, it's propaganda. If you are promoting it because you are getting paid for doing so, it's not something you necessarily want for yourself and don't really care if it hurts other people, it's advertising.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 2, Insightful) 631

On way to state it is that they started as the friendly libre desktop and then at some point decided to become the "cheaper macintoch".

It's not just the design, they, or rather Mark, gave a full u-turn to the entire philosophy of the project. Sould we go back in time, you'd find that the project was full of idealism. Ubuntu was a philantropic project, free CDs were shiped, at Canonical's expense, to those willing to help others become free.

The promise was that together, as a comunity, we could overcome the technical and political issues that held FOSS back.

That's not the way ubuntu is advertised nowadays. Now ubuntu is advertised as this wonderful OS that does some of the same things MS and Apple can do but won't run any of the software you bought for those.

Personally, I blame the iPad. Ok it's Mark's fault first, but the iPad showed that people would ignore the problem of software incompatibilty as long a the thing was easy to use, had a web browser and was shiny.

So Mark decided to give the finger to the communy, called "Ubuntu is not a democracy" and embarked in a campaing to make ubunty the desktop version of an iPad: Shiny, dumbed down and incompatible with most Windows software, but with Firefox.

Actually I'm surprised ubuntu hasn't decided on Google chrome as their default browser, but even Mark realizes that would be handling the keys of the kingdom to a potential rival.

The obviousl problem is that, most people, including most ipad owners, already have a Windows PC where they do most of their work and any matter of serious gaming.

MS is the path of least resistance, and since it comes with most computers, it's "free". Apple is the luxury vendor. Ubuntu was de idealist but has lost it's original vision. Ubuntu really has nothing going for it nowadays. Mark is trying to fix that problem techically where it was a political problem to begin with.

Comment Sticking it to the little guy. (Score 2) 227

Personally I'm bothered that it bothers them. Obvisouly there is no rule yet that you can't use premium call services to get paid by telemarketeers because they are just people. The regulator seems to think that it's wrong that telemarketeers are compensating him for wasting his time. Why? They are a bunch of corporate sellouts thats why.

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