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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 22 declined, 2 accepted (24 total, 8.33% accepted)


Submission + - strange attractor [butterfly effect] visualized

Anomalyst writes: Browsing the POVray.org site led me there. Fascinating images. The math as way beyond me, the introduction forewarns of describing the Lorenz attractor, space of lattices, modular dynamics and its periodic orbits. Equations are knot funny (pun, RTFA) but there for your edification anyway. Dunno if it's art, but I know what I like. http://www.ams.org/featurecolumn/archive/lorenz.ht ml
I was not successful in getting a Coral Cache, URL is reported as blacklisted, so that's the live site, be gentle.

Submission + - Vista/Intel NIC: VLAN not supported

Anomalyst writes: Nothing in Google groups or MS KB regarding +Vista +VLAN
From: http://www.intel.com/support/network/sb/CS-023749. htm
"None of the Advanced Network Services, including Teaming and VLANs are supported under Windows Vista."
Even worse, conventional networking seems to be broken (ASUS P5NSLI both the Marvell on the MB and the Pro 1000 GT desktop NIC).
Using the Intel (11/20/2006) drivers from WU, the NIC fails to get DHCP address on an untagged (vanilla, no 802.1Q VLAN on the switch port). Up to this point Intel has been very reliable in the VLAN and teaming (trunking) support on their adapters. We use VLANs pervasively in our our NOC administration and selectively at our customer sites.

Does this quote mean just Intel is not (currently) supporting it or is it truly a systemic loss of capability in Vista?
Does anyone have multiple VLANs on a NIC working?
If Intel can't seem to make it work what hope is there from other vendors?

Is this a short-term glitch or are we going to have even more vigilant with our customers whe Vista gets shoved down their throats when a new machine is purchased to replace a VLAN-ed host?

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