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Comment Re:Ah, central planning. (Score 1) 611

There's a different between being Hyperactive and being uncontrollably hyperactive. A normal child can sit still, while a child with ADHD is physically incapable of such an action. If you had done more than cursory reading on the subject, it is immediately evident that there is a difference in degree.

Comment Re:Joking about this is the height of stupidity. (Score 5, Insightful) 709

The jokes in question were not made in the airport. They were made much earlier, while still in Britain. DHS just ran around like a chicken with its head cut off. The inability to confirm whether "destroy" is British slang, or that the other tweet in question was a Family Guy quote is absurd.

Comment Re:The law may be an ass... (Score 1) 96

You might want to consider reading up on the First Amendment. Not being able to restrict speech is a very big part of free speech. Restraining speech before it occurs, or regulating where it can occur is a dangerous, immoral thing.

On the subject of the law being "crap". The law isn't crap, the gross violation of the law that ICE used to seize these domains is the "crap". Every single possible constitutional protection we have in regards to free speech, search and seizure, was violated and then this judge for wholly unimaginably, illogical reasons. This ruling flies directly in the face of SCOTUS precedent and outright ignores many of the issues brought up by the involved parties.

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