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Comment Re:Another jackboot stomp on the way to facism (Score 1) 126

There's a certain irony to someone complaining about "Another jackboot stomp on the way to facism [sic]", and "it's like a catalog of what leftists wish were true" in the same post. Fascism is a *RIGHT*-wing concept. Extremely *far* right wing, but right wing none the less.

Highly debatable. There is just as good an argument that Fascism is *LEFT*-wing, that is, it embodies a high amount of government control over individuals' economic liberty, similar to Socialism and Communism. When you get to the extremes of either wing, they tend to merge. Far left and far right groups are both full of conspiracy theorists, opposed to centralized authority, and view BOTH major political parties in the US as having very similar policies. Which in a way is true. Both parties are enemies to individual liberty on some issues (typically the right want strict social control while the left wants strict economic control).

Fascism is a merger of corporate control and government control. Which is why it is vilified from both sides. What the majority on both sides currently fail to grok is how pervasive Mussolini-style fascist policies have become in the US.

Comment Re:Another jackboot stomp on the way to facism (Score 0) 126

And in spite of widespread public support for that individual right...

Are you trying to say that there exists public support for opposing any sort of gun regulation, or that the majority of the public supports it? The second thing isn't true at all, it's just that the minority who really care about guns really care about guns and are single issue voters. The broader public which supports gun regulation doesn't consider it to be more important than other issues.

There is widespread public support for all of the individual rights explicitly pointed out in the Bill of Rights, including the right to bear arms. The level of support varies among individuals (apparently for some people speech is a low priority, since they are supporting a Constitutional amendment to weaken it), but in general they are all supported.

As far as arms rights, most people want to keep arms away from proven bad actors (convicted violent felons), so Bloomberg has convinced a significant portion of low information voters that there is some loophole that allows them easy access. Of course, most people would like to pass on their family-owned firearms to the progeny without requesting permission to do so from federal bureaucrats, so I don't think his disarmament proposals are going to get very far, even in comparatively liberal Washington state.

Comment Re:The water wars are coming (Score 4, Insightful) 151

I don't think this particular story is a harbinger of that. Rather, I think it's a story of monumental stupidity caused by a totalitarian government that didn't bother looking forward, and was too eager by half to waggle their technological penises in front of the world.

The rivers feeding the Aral Sea haven't dried up - just that most of it got diverted to other uses, and the Aral Sea was the unfortunate loser in that bargain.

I don't disagree that yeah, potable water is going to eventually be a problem as climate slowly shifts and population grows. The climate and population growth are debatable and mostly unknown as to rate, direction and cause, but change they will.

Comment Re:The last sentence in the summary... (Score 1) 232

But what you can't argue against is the fact that the ice is melting at all, although that doesn't stop some people here from cherry-picking one particular type of ice (sea ice), saying that it has expanded as if that is the complete argument against the total ice loss.

Right. But cherry-picking land ice is perfectly okay (as long as it's melting, of course).

Comment Re:Another jackboot stomp on the way to facism (Score 1) 126

... the presence of personal armaments everywhere ...

Actually personal firearms are an example of the existence of personal rights and freedoms, something that totalitarian regimes tend not to allow. The 2nd amendment is every bit as important as the other amendments.

And in spite of widespread public support for that individual right, the administration, faced with the inability to explicitly change the law, are using its regulatory power over the money supply to basically shut down all commerce that enables that right. They are using the same technique to shut down the recently legalized marijuana trade in Colorado, and medical marijuana dispensaries all over the country. Just search on "Operation Chokepoint" - it's basically a program to shutdown businesses they think are "objectionable", but are clearly perfectly legal.

Comment Re:How important is that at this point? (Score 1) 197

Really, you think professional 3d modelers don't know what a vertex is? Really?

They have an idea as to what it might be ('a mathematical point in cartesian space' would be the description given if you're lucky), but, say, how it behaves under subdivision and which SubD algorithm produces the best results for a given use case is another story entirely. That's why I put the word "really" in the sentence you took your question off of.

Let me give a more concrete example: Raytracing. Sure, they'll know how it would (mostly) behave in their given suite (depending on which render engine(s) they send it to regularly), but knowing how light (and more importantly, shadows and occlusions thereof) behaves, so as to produce a better result, especially when shooting for realism? A pro photographer likely has a better idea of how light works than most of the schlubs who push mesh around. ;) Put it this way - I can count a very small percentage of folks who have done a good enough job of it to fool all but the most experienced eye.

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