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Submission + - BlackBerry Orphans

theodp writes: "The WSJ reports that the growing use of email gadgets is spawning a generation of resentful children. In addition to feeling neglected, kids say BlackBerrys and Treos can put their lives in jeopardy as Mom and Dad type away while driving. The chairman of Research In Motion will have nothing of the whining, saying children should ask themselves, 'Would you rather have your parents 20% not there or 100% not there?'"

Submission + - Who do you test your network dns with?

robinvanleeuwen writes: Idea for poll...

Who do you use to test is your internet connection/DNS is working correctly?

ping www.yahoo.com
ping www.google.com
ping www.slashdot.org
cowboyneal's homepage
It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Soylent Diesel is made of people! 2

Liposuctioned fat could be biodiesel fuel

One person's liposuction is another person's biodiesel fuel, as a Norwegian businessman wants to use suctioned fat to develop an alternative fuel source.

Biodiesel can be produced from either plant oils or animal fat, and Lauri Venoy sees the product from liposuction procedures as a renewable energy source, Aftenposten said.


Submission + - Verizon Can't Do Basic Arithmetic

airencracken writes: "George was quoted a rate of .002 cents per kilobyte of data transmission, but they billed him for .002 dollars per kilobyte. What ensues in this call made me very sad. The call is 29 min long and it's worth listening to every second. How can Verizon reps not understand that $0.002!=$0.00002? These are grown adults who can't understand basic arithmetic. What does that say about the state of education? Ugh."

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Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
