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Comment Re: Scripts that interact with passwords fields aw (Score 1) 365

Is that like the login form AT&T used for a while to pretend it was all mobile-6-point-oh-like where the password field was a plain text box with a script that turned the letters you typed into dots after you type the next letter?

There's a reason that all the major browsers don't autofill forms until you tell it to.

Comment Re:HL3HL3HL3 (Score 1) 62

At this point, HL3 (or even just "HL2 episode 3") is going to become Valve's Daikatana or Duke Nukem Forever. Just following on from the end of Hl2e2 is going to be a huge hurdle (their writer must be at least this good in order to get on this ride) never mind whatever Source engine technology they want to show off.

I think that Newell sees only two possibilities: 1) they never make the game or 2) they make the game and everyone hates it.

Comment Re:VeraCrypt (Score 1) 114

Also, a "linux geek" would have already have taken dm-crypt as an alternative, or performed the instructions in some Full Disk Encryption Howto.

Isn't it built into the installer nowadays? I installed Debian recently and it offered to encrypt my system, but maybe it skipped the partition that holds /bin and whatnot...

Comment Re:nothing new under the sun (Score 1) 446

Single 39.6% tax threshold: $41320
Married 39.6% tax threshold: $46850

In order for this to be a tax ADVANTAGE for two earners, the 39.6% threshold would have to be at least $82640. This is actually a penalty, since if both spouses make $40k, before they married their taxes each would have been below 39.6%, now that they're married, nearly all of the second spouse's income is taxed at the higher rate.

Comment Re:Does indeed happen. (Score 1) 634

I've had other interviewers ask me really abstract problems, such as how to calculate the number and types of elevators a particular-sized building needed.

The answer to that kind of question is the same kind of concept as the Drake equation: the point is not to give them a number, but to give them a formula for how one might arrive at the number. In your particular example, the answer might be: ([# of floors] * [# people per floor] * [# times each person uses the elevator]) / ([elevator capacity] * [elevator speed]), or something like that (since this is not an actual interview, I didn't bother to account for things like the fact that traveling to higher floors takes longer, etc.).

The interviewer is asking you the question so he can see how you approach the problem, not to see if you know trivia about elevator design. Do you go make a list of everything you think might matter first, or do you dive in and think up new factors on the fly? Did you leave something important out? Are you able to make even slightly reasonable estimates? (For example, "I figure there's about a million floors in a building and 1 person per floor, each of whom is constantly riding the elevator so you need 60,000 elevators per building" is probably not going to impress the interviewer.)

Comment Re:nothing new under the sun (Score 4, Insightful) 446

You also get tax breaks for the marriage thing

Standard deduction, single: $6300
Standard deduction, married filing jointly: $12600

The only tax break you get is if your wife is a stay-at-home mom where you can double your tax deduction. Of course, then she runs the risk of losing all her credits etc from having no income.

if you have kids, you get those breaks too

You get those breaks as a single parent too.

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