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Comment Re:Wait, there's more... (Score 1) 49

How many people would take a job that gave them almost anything they could imagine, and took no time or effort?

With the right restrictions (especially the right to quit, proper care for the body, and access to data about what it's being used for) why would that be a bad thing?

Comment WTF? (Score 4, Insightful) 584

What's worse than being a child in a culture that pushes people into stereotypical roles? Having parents that want to dictate their child's interests in order to make themselves look good.

So one day you daughter says she's “ready for princesses” and "part of me died"? Get the fuck over yourself.

Seriously, stop using your own child as a tool for making yourself look like a good progressive and listen to her for a change. When (and if) she wants to be a nerd, she'll let you know - your job is to make sure she knows she has the choice, not make it for her.

Comment Re:It boils down to energy storage costs (Score 1) 652

Excess energy is probably radiated out. The hotter something is, the more heat it radiates.

So ... the globe probably ... warms ... ?

Water vapor interacts with pretty much the exact same spectrum as CO2, and is far, far more prevalent.

Water is a significantly stronger greenhouse gas than CO2, but because the atmosphere has a limited carrying capacity for water humidity levels tend to stay relatively constant overall. i.e. excess CO2 sticks around for a very long time, excess water gets rained out much more quickly.

And comparing CO2's efficacy in a biological system to its importance in the weather is pretty lame.

On it's own, yes. I just found the juxtaposition amusing.

I am confident that AGW will be shown to be the biggest scam in human history.

And as far as I can tell you're basing this solely on the fact that it doesn't pass your own personal laugh test. That's not a very solid foundation for the claim.

Comment Re:It boils down to energy storage costs (Score 1) 652

This does not even pass the laugh test.

Actually, your posts are much funnier. First, "Without [CO2], all plant life on earth would be impossible.", but in your very next post you mock people who believe that "a trace gas at 0.04%" could have any effect.

I'm sorry to say this, but you sound like a poe - "it's so small it's can't possibly have any effect our lives, but for God's sake don't lose it or WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" or "She couldn't have killed anyone, she only put a little bit of arsenic in that great big water tower.".

There is an extremely complex non-linear partial differential equation that describes...

Except you don't really need any of that. It's fairly straightforward to calculate (and then check by direct measurement) how much less infrared radiation is being emitted by the earth at various wavelengths. And like any physical system, if less energy is leaving then changes will take place to restore equilibrium - it might be higher temperatures, it might be a higher albedo (as through cloud cover), it might be a reduction in some other heat-trapping gas, it might be people pulling CO2 back out. But something, on a rather large scale, is going to have to change, just because of basic thermodynamics.

So even if I didn't know anything else about the subject you're going to have to give me some alternative for what happens to the excess energy, or I'm stuck with the only answer available to me - climate change.

Comment Re: here we go (Score 1) 834

You are not sure women get harassed more than men? Why not?

Because I can't tell the difference between actually getting harassed more and our biases coloring things to look that way.

There is a great deal of room for improvement on the way men treat women.

So you want to talk about harassment - but your opening move is to split people, not into harassers and victims, but by birth group according to your own biases, and insist on that being the framework for the discussion. To me that says that you care less about ending harassment than maintaining your worldview or identity as the 'guy who get it'. (When you say "admitting this doesn't make me less of a man" you're essentially bragging about how you're better than those other guys.)

So try this one:

There is a great deal of room for improvement on the way women treat children and the elderly.

Sure, women abuse the most vulnerable in our society more than men do, but is focusing on that the right way to make progress? Should I base part of my ego on "admitting that women are part of the problem"?

Comment Re:here we go (Score 1) 834

The author is a dude named Matthew. A he, not a her.

Yes. It might not have been obvious, but the post I was replying to stated "I hope my daughter does not read this.", which is why my post started with "Me neither." and went on to refer to her (my daughter's) brother.

Comment Re: here we go (Score 1) 834

Does not an unjust attack require a defense?

Sure, and I'm glad people still stand up for each other. What disturbs me is that you (and much of the media) either can't see it when men are targeted by much of the same kind of abuse, or simply don't care. Dozens of men were doxed during #GamerGate, why are they being left out?

What surprises me is how many men get defensive when harassment of women is addressed.

Maybe because men, as a group, are blamed for it? Maybe because people can't just talk about harassment in general without the 'boys-vs-girls' political BS?

Comment Re:here we go (Score 1) 834

They're being "doxed" for being straight while males?

I believe the point was that they're being left out of the discussion because they're straight while males. You can't keep the focus on women if you admit that men are a large fraction of the victims, and that's more important to some people than ending the bullying.

Comment Re:misogynists on the intarwebz? WHAT U SAY? (Score 1) 834

This clearly shows how misogynist you are.

I'm very careful to be just misogynistic enough to ask for evidence.

I suppose you are white, straight and male?


Who cares how men are treated?

Apparently not you. As for myself, about half of the people I love are men, so...

Not automatically believing a woman is a sure sign of misogyny. Ok, ok... almost a sure sign...

You sound like a parody of a clueless, narcissistic feminist. Good thing I know some kindhearted, open-minded ones.

Comment Re:misogynists on the intarwebz? WHAT U SAY? (Score 1, Insightful) 834

you don't seem to have done any prerequisite reading on this subject before pushing the submit button

And I would suggest the same of you. But that doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere.

If that doesn't meet the criteria for being a misogynist, what does? Do you have to start stabbing women before you are worthy of the title?

Stabbing women doesn't make you a misogynist, but stabbing only women (or specifically targeting them) might.

Can you show me any evidence that these people would treat men they disagreed with any better?

Comment Re: here we go (Score 1) 834

However, women are most definitely harassed for being women more than men are harassed for being men.

I'm not so sure about that. But more importantly, aren't women defended for being women more than men are defended for being men?

Comment Re:here we go (Score 5, Insightful) 834

Well that's all totally spiffing then, no one's oppressed at all, and anyone who says otherwise is just a whiny bitch, yes?

Nope. Just because you aren't oppressed doesn't mean you don't have problems that need to be addressed.

Using words like 'oppression' to describe how women are treated in modern western countries is just a cheap political tactic - it defines the situation in terms of 'us vs them' (if someone is oppressed, someone must be oppressing), while exaggerating the issues women face and downplaying the issues that men face. That broken model is why you think that people who disagree with you must think than men are oppressed - you assume that other people are using the same framework, but are merely on the 'other team'.

There's no pigeonhole in that mindset for people who just want the world to be nicer for everyone.

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