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Comment I call BS (Score 2) 189

It's a cautionary tale about the fundamental unreliability of Wikipedia

As opposed to what? The things that people "knowledgeably" trade, like the one about us using "only 10% of our brains"? Or the things that we "know for sure" about ancient history? A few uncaught jokes in Wikipedia, and suddenly it's no more reliable than hearsay? (Or how else am I supposed to interpret this "fundamental unreliability"?) Sooner or later, someone would have attached a [citation needed] to that anyway.

Comment Re:So much Fail. Ignore. (Score 1) 315

Not only that, if you have a variable of a non-final class type or interface type in Java, you can also "change the type of data held by the variable when the program is running". E.g, without this property, it would be difficult to process items of polymorphic collections (i.e., collections allowing items of multiple types/representations simultaneously, which in Java happens to be the case of all collections, of course).

Comment Re:What makes this a gigafactory? (Score 1) 95

it's a way for them to name a plant so that it has obvious technological associations

It actually has obvious mythological associations, but feel free to limit yourself to physical units. In common speech, "megas" meant nothing more than simply "big", while "gigas" meant "a Giant". I guess the obvious English adjective would be "effing huge".

Comment Re:Bullets will not win this conflict (Score 1) 868

And yet Israel insists on controlling the territory. They may not get a vote but they ARE Israeli citizens until such time as Israel actually stops trying to control their political processes and truly leaves.

And Afghani are US citizens until the US actually stops trying to control their political processes and truly leaves. You logic is impeccable!

Comment Re:Radicalization (Score 2) 868

Yet in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, almost those 4.4 million people are under Palestinian civil administration, while only about 0.1 million people in the West Bank are in the Israeli civil administration. Perhaps the Israeli have an undue influence over a part of the West Bank, what with their security operations there, but claiming that "Israel rules Palestine" seems rather overblown. I might as well claim that the US rules Iraq and Afghanistan.

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