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Comment Re:Perfectly reasonable (Score 1) 220

"Why is the latter so much better, America?"

Because that's what the propaganda says. Seriously, Americans are consumers driven by marketing and America is marketed as it exists, and not how it was supposed to exist or could exist, and that marketing is, and will be, consumed as long as there continues to be breads and circuses. Gotta go, almost out of DVR space and don't want to lose American Idol...

Comment Re:deposit (Score 1) 635

If I go for an hour's walk into the forest, lose my footing and sprain my ancle I'm not going anywhere. Oh I might crawl to civilization if no help was coming, but normally I'd call in a rescue.

I believe that the above thinking is what leads to this problem, with the tech only making it easier to accomplish. Rescues are for emergencies and spraining your ankle is not an emergency (nor is your water supply tasting salty). If you sprain your ankle, you grab a stick, make it a crutch and hop/limp/hobble your pansy ass out of the forest.

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