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Comment Re:Very subjective (Score 1) 382

I agree, but reddit has a big issue with stalking downvoters. If you post an unpopular opinion on one sub, it's not uncommon to see days of downvotes afterwards on completely beneficial, completely unrelated, helpful posts on entirely different subs. It's an acknowledged issue with the system. Basically, there needs to be a limitation on the number of downvotes a user can receive from a particular source. The hard part is doing this in a way that lets people rebuke someone who is being a genuine jackhole, but also prevents people from harassment.

Comment Re:What trolls (Score 1) 382

This is a pretty normal sociological phenomenon. Outside of tribal culture, people usually find some group that they best fit in with based on any number of demographic/sociological attitudes. I'm pretty sure there is a doctoral thesis in here somewhere for someone who's feeling squirrely. It's pretty fascinating.

Comment Re:Enough World of Warcraft already (Score 2) 146

I was a closed beta player. I think a big part of my loss-of-interest is that they've vanilla-ized each of the classes so much. The original players manual stated, for instance, that the mage was the highest damage dealing class, but in exchange, could likely be 1-or-2-shotted by some other classes. They were the epitome of the glass cannon. It defined the playstyle of the class. They had cool spells like invisability to enable a mage to attack while hidden (just once). They had khadgars unlocking. Hunters on the other hand, could do tons of damage, but also got to wear better armor, but as an expense, had to worry about sacrificing inventory space to store expendable ammo. I played vanilla, and then the first expansion. The classes were still unique, fun, and had that sort of a feeling. But making everything generic and getting rid of real defining abilities for each class has killed a lot of the fun. I want to trade the risk of being 1-2 shotted for being able to 1-2 shot other people. No class really feels like it stands out from the others so far as damage.

Comment Re:That reminds me... (Score 1) 146

I was really into PS2, and had been an avid PS player since the beginning. However, PS2 got a bit annoying after awhile. I didn't like how they limited you (unlike the original PS). The problem we had is every side on every server seemed to develop at least 1 "massive" guild that would just steamroll whatever they wanted with numbers. If you weren't in that guild, you basically scratched by. It made it un-fun.

Comment Re:That reminds me... (Score 1) 146

They actually didn't do anything new and different. They basically put a few changes on FFXI and rebranded it as a new game. The locales weren't that different, the timer things were annoying, the races were the same (with a couple different letters different in the names)... it really didn't feel different. I'm saying that as a long time FFXI player.

Comment Re:That reminds me... (Score 1) 146

I tried the original, and I tried the revamped version. I honestly couldn't get through the 45 minutes of intro before I could do anything interesting. Then when I got there, the combat just kinda felt... meh. I have 1 friend who plays and enjoys it, so maybe it gets better. I just didn't feel like giving too much time after everything leading up to that point.

Comment Re:Legal pemission? THEY GIVE IT! (Score 1) 368

Correct. I know that at, for instance, T-Mobile a customer must be the one to hang up, or give explicit instructions that they are finished with the call. Otherwise, the CSR cannot hang up the phone or they risk losing their job. This ended up being an issue for T-Mobile employees in our area because they started getting calls from elderly folks/shut ins who just wanted someone to talk to, and they'd hang on the line for 2-3 hours refusing to hang up. The rep is powerless to hang up if the person on the line hasn't initiated hanging up. Not sure if the same applies to Comcast or not (or if the T-Mobile policy has changed).

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