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Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 259

(middle-class) white is the new brown:)

The WOT is not a loose-canon, but a sign of the New World Order; which is why (most/many) pols, when so informed, just STFU and go along.

"last 40 years..."
Think about it. The PigInPython passed flat since Regan, to the point of looking like 'managed' growth.

What the WOT represents is a projection of the resource wars to come and the enevitable displacement of 300-400 million people world-wide.

What with blowback and all, its a view of a future I'd rather not entertain.

Comment Re:DE or WM? (Score 1) 62


Long time E user here. Its a WM (IMO), but if you want the DE then use Entranced; as my belief is that a DE begins at the login screen should you so desire it.

regarding earlier posts on segfaulting, E17 is/was the only WM that restored itself (mostly) on "something bad....." happening where other WM's just totally crashed. E remote is another feature i really appreciate; being able to control :0 from a terminal (if they would only revert to the previous - more robust - version).

Though building E from svn suggests its far from 'light' it certainly more lite than gnome or kde.
For the past 5-6 years the push as been in the automotive markets.

My only hangup is having to compile options; not having a text file for options was/is almost a deal-breaker regardless of ease of compiling a cfg.

Aside: I really wish that a WM/DE could remember (via ps and wmctrl i suppose) what all of my desktops are doing. Real session management would spare me from having to record each/every job in each/every xterm in the event of a crash.
It would be similar to FF sessions. Crash? just restore the last session. I'd switch in a heartbeat to any WM/DE that provided said feature.

Contrats to Rasterman and all the E-lovers out there!

Comment Re:What is it then? (Score 1) 246


I had a bear named Pookie when I was a young child and in some strange way, you sort of resemble my memory of him:)

I did discover not too long ago that my dear pookie-bear might have been, in fact, a pooka-bear!

a (poor) ref:
and defining 'harm and mischief' w/salty-grains.

But my pookie-bear always did, really, I mean really, keep my head spinning with (too) many things to see and do. And I never seemed to fall asleep until late in the night. Often sleep in class. But I was a sports "contender", made qualifying time for olympic tryouts, active and in-training up to the point I wasn't.

I'd like to think that you and all 'diagnosed/labeled' people are afflicted more by trying to adjust to NT-world and the insanity that hierarchial, patriarchial, culture is trying to impose.

Taking speed, SSRI's, certainly has the ability to enhance focus, provide grounding; but cannot claim to improve on where to place one's focus. Think capacity for self-decption, for intstance, as a barrier pills won't cure. Ah, hindsight! What was I thinking?!

I do not see as much benefit in pharma treating the symptoms ('fidgity', disorganized, slooooow, com-challenged, ...) as the means of 'fitting' in well enough to be self-sufficient; happiness notwithstanding. But you are still a round peg in a land of square holes; the cat around packs of dogs.

It's not a question of trying harder because you retreat 2 steps for every 5 advanced; or persevering long enough to finish what you started AOT recognizing what got started was not what you thought so move on.

Its accepting that the bridge(s) that the majority (NT) cross is not your bridge to cross. You'll always be behind, playing catch-up; not unlike a non-native living in say, Beijing. No tickee, no washee.
Its about not subjecting yourself to getting picked on bec you don't know the language or rules to the game.

There is prob no such thing as un-assisted living.
we survive by the networks and groups we identify with; in the companionship of a partner.

Sufficient is not the same as self-reliance. My hope is in finding the tech to provide alternative learning experiences. I'm sure there must be some google metric for the impact that search alone must be having on society and its' fringes.

I'm also sure there lurks a connection between left/right brain dominance and career/trade inclinations; though it seems more organic than planned perhaps. Maybe starting young enough and offering the right attention feedback mechanisms can deliver some way to develop self-understanding; one's dispositions and strengths and weaknesses enough to offer more and better choices in finding and actualizing their passions.

We need a happier world and so much sadness is either self-inflicted or internalized imprints of messages society needs us to believe for it to function.

Good luck, pookie-bear. And if you are a pooka even you know nothing's what it seems
Otherwise, wag more, bark less and keep you self out of the brainstorms.

Comment Re:DIET OF THE POOR (Score 1) 670

Thanks for your post and I'm glad you focused more on "social" than "economic"; though they are inextricably linked. Albiet that stress makes no distinction in boundaries, it's safe to say that the poor are worse off for their stressors.

I fully agree that income factors into individual diet and nutrition. But a rich fat-cat who can afford to eat out at the priciest restaurants that obtain the very best and freshest can still be just as unhealthy as the skin-n-bones pan-handler or the fatty coming out of MacDonalds next door. Obesity is a side effect of food science; playing to taste, texture, flavor.... Whether at the levels of haute-cuisine or the snack aisle at "Super Big Food" store.

I suggest reading "Wheat Belly" to get a better understanding of the dynamics. Put it next to "Grain Brain" on the book shelf.

With the exception of grazers, grass-eating foodies etc.. we are a seed-eating species. These seeds can be tight hull'd (pre-triticum) vs no hull (triticum). The original wheat: 'einkorn' got crossed w/goatgrass to produce 'emmer' which then crossed to produce wheat in general: "triticum aestivum" - as a natural species of wheat. Hybridization of that produced 'triticum duram', a pasta wheat with a higher Glyc index #.

New wheat is easier to grow, more useful in processing and baking; Old wheat is/was way more nutritous, .29% protein vs .10 in new.

Its all about ratings on the glycemic index.
New wheat is unhealthy due to its chemical nature
making people more prone to obesity, insulin imbalances, diabetes,

My (amateur) understanding is:


  break into 3 groups: amylopectin A,B,C
that rapidly gets converted to a branching glucose unit (a sugar(a carb))
Amylo-A (wheat) has more digestable fiber, the others less so. but in Amylo-B (fruits) and C (beans) the fibers moves digestion to better get into blood stream.

THe higher the rated glycemic index the higher blood sugar, higer insulin production and more fat as stored energy.

New wheat has a higher glycemic index (.72) than raw sugar or table sugar (.59), so new wheat carbs are easy to digest; but do not give enough high protein value.
New wheat is a major contributor to gluten intolerance and is (partially@least) responsible for creating secondary problems like ciliac desease or C.difficle or Clymatia because bacteria and yeasts go all kookoo for sugary cocco-puffs.


Glutens (carbs) come in 3 forms A,B,D
A/B are found in old wheat - einkorn, emmer,....
the 'D' genome of gluten allows for better baking propertiess (for the light-n-fluffy breads/pastries we eat).

But D gets processed so fast it does little to aid in digesting other foods, resulting in constipation. This undigested food produces more bacteria (some of which is bad, or less good).

Glucose, a carb, is a complex sugar, where fructose and sucrose are simple sugars. The inability to process food correctly give a pathway for the simple sugars to go undigested and wreak havoc on the gut flora.

Without new wheat the body would more effiently processes food as it should; w/new wheat in your system, Amylo-A depletes the bodys ability to digest, converting glucose->insulin->fats which get burned or stored - one or the other

New wheat in our diet increases being prone to adverse reactions, like prolonged antibiotic usage
or constipation, or gas. Some mental disorders are fueled by wheat and affects exorphins - google wheat-brain connection

I apologize for dumping this on your post, but wanted to put my thoughs on the subject somewhere apropos.

What I'm trying to say is that our world-view, our reality, is shaped by not being critical of those things we want to believe because they fit so nicely w/our pre-concieved notions.

Our biases, how we were raised, what was imprinted upon us, what is expedient, convenient... is the 1st hurdle to controlling natural human reactivity and use objectivity to get a more accurate take on what's really going on and our role in it.
And how it applies to the "disease vs moral-deficit" argument being waged on this forum.

Our national obesity problem is mostly one of appetites and consumption fueled by big agra and pharma. W/out pontificating on intent or motive,
the greatest net-effect has been widen the gap (and the mindset) between people and the food they eat. Something like 65-75% of americans live in cities; many won't touch food unless its perfectly packaged, and then only move it from aisle to cart to fridge to microwave. Many people who eat dairy have never seen a cow.....

So, food becomes a facimile of itself. More about
the textures/tastes of food and one's willingness to change their POV on it re: consumption.
Being open to
s/{bread, pasta, cereals, etc.}/{amaranth, quinoa, nuts, oats,etc..}/g

Being wheat-free comes very close to gluten-free, despite glutens being nearly omnipresent.

It is about re-thinking one's intake. How dairy (sugars? yeast?) and lactose (protein not sugar) may accerbate intolerances, gas, indigestion, IBS.
and s/diarymilk/coconutmilk/ may promote bodily healing, higherOil%, better digestion. How whole milk vs homogenized may reduce inflamatory responses and cholesterol levels.


Many/most of those people living in cities came from somewhere else; from the countryside. Where is their food-identity rooted?
Are they a wheat-girl/dough-boy (baking pies, pastries and pizzas)?.
Are they a dairy-girl/farm-boy (icecream, cheese, milk)?
Are they people of the corn (pork, meats, burgers)?
Are the a carnivore but free of grain-dairy-corn? Are thet grazers; eating on the fly what is wild, natural, lacking eyes?

Its as much about a culture than its individuals.
Glutens and breadmold are found everywhere; in wheat, beer and ales, flavored teas, booze, preservatives.

Gluten-free, or at least "New" wheat-free, is one of the best places to start getting back on the healthy track. Regardless of income, economic status, .... It's a choice anyone can, and should, make.

Comment Re:Importance (Score 1) 562

A DDOS implies that the system (home) was not breached, but that egress was denied.

Isn't this more like a protest group in front of some brick-n-mortar establishment preventing customers from entering/leaving?

Isn't this case more akin to chasing down and prosecuting protesters for disrupting business as usual? For being outside the 'free-speech zone'?

Comment Re:Government Thinking (Score 1) 429

You failed to mention what the anarchists want.

Empirically, what we have is something nobody wants, that's slow and stalled out of the gate, which is part of a bigger system that is also dysfunctional; but which all the leadership in humpty-dumpty-ville cannot fix.

I think possibly that anarchy is the belief that we don't need leaders, we can lead ourselves.

What is likable about single-payer (all medicared?) is that one's healthcare is no longer coupled to one's employer. That, beyond all else, is its saving grace. Something even a (currently) healthy youngun can grep.

What we have now is a gig that can only be managed with cost-shifting.

Comment Re:the meaning of the word bully (Score 1) 734

More than once now you've tried to establish that physical trumps mental; that being beaten up is more serious than mental anquish.

You also seem to think that acceptable teasing, like that among friends, is the same as incessant harrassment coming from all sides at all times.

Problem with your position is that limbs heal, bruises go away, The mental trauma of harrassment-induced stress usuallly means saying good-bye to having a good night's rest even after escaping one's tormentors.

Stop trying to defend such a undefensible position; it just puts the tell on you.

Comment Re:the meaning of the word bully (Score 1) 734

"Those two girls are not responsible for that other girls death."

Flat Fact:
If those 2 girls did not exist then the other girl would still be alive.

(told self i wouldn't go here:)
Most kids are thoughtless, so are most adults.

Peer and social pressures notwithstanding,
they act w/out thinking, w/out seeing consequences. They are lead by their impulses fears and avoidance ) and are most dangerous in groups.

It is this unconscious mode of existance that enables them to indulge in, and rationalize, those self-centered behaviors that society@large has to unfuck.

Comment Re:Like a Nokia Android wouldn't have bombed? (Score 1) 189

Maybe, but they would still become either an also-ran or a wannabe.

Watching M$ latest commercials, they seem to agree; the "look! we're 41MPixels!". Man, they have a great marketing group; pimping usage, like tooth-fairies comming to clean end-users' sour taste in mouth.

I love my N900, chuckle when i lately note CList phone ads selling "my N900", omitting the "lumia" from modelname. I'd cut an apendage for an N950! Not really; well maybe.

Becomming so much more about interfaces (h/w) to the OS/DE and plainly, M$ reliably sucks at making WM/DM (s/w).

As micro/nano moves sprouts from drones-n-goggles we'll prob all be using flesh2.0 and brainware to control our devices, making issue even more fragmented

But droid would be the monkey on the back of a really well engineered nokia device. QT/E17/meego would spank that monkey in a heartbeat. If it resembles anything like the existing maemo community then popular support alone could make it a best seller.
Encryption (GPG,XMPP,KRB,eCryptFS...) would be a great place to start.

droid's fundamental basis as a pay2play cloud device for renting content runs counter to popular computing and FOSS. A play-store model so simple even a caveman can grok it; but I like repos and distros and suspect even joe6pk would grep if packaged correctly.

Sorry4ranting but freedom is the next best thing to privacy. gphone unmodded, winphone and iphone, all are compromised, h/w quality notwithstanding.

Maybe Nokia's demise will liberate a crop of talent who can milk profit out of openness and a good (p2p) support model. I know just as current spying is driving a shift to linux, so to will a 'linphone' eventually gain mindshare. 10 years is my guesstimate. We here all knew how FOSS was better, even Open h/w, now the public is becomming more receptive to understanding why.

Combined w/GrandCentral, if G had chosen that path i would kneel at their feet. But disruptive tech is a bottom up kind of thing and, though not sure where tizen/sailfish will fit into things, am confident that, while Nokia may have lost its way, its community of engineers and programmers will take their expertise elsewhere, hopefully court carriers, and foster the next evolution in communications

M$'s big hurdle is that people have invested in understanding another OS (i or d) and the Concepts behind it. RT, redmonds' approach to tiling...
is facing an uphill battle and their OS is not remarkable enuf to hold/capture attention.

An E17 or buntu wrapped linphone, made by nokian labrats and designed by those wanting a better symbian (maemo), and supported by the free and open bazzar of ideas rooted in word-of-mouth. Secure, distributed, ones' own. Who could ask for more?

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