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Comment Re:Wage Slavery (Score 1) 398

I came here to comment the same thing. "An immigrant would be required to 'live and work' in Detroit for an undetermined length of time." I don't see how else that sentence could be interpreted -- is that not the very definition of slavery? Sure, one could argue that the wage these workers would make could classify their situation as simple employment, but even slaves receive bread and water.

Comment Re: even a broken clock... (Score 1, Insightful) 523

but have no hesitation to stick their noses into a woman's health care decisions.

Or, maybe we just think we shouldn't be obligated to pay (via tax dollars) for a woman to murder her unborn child. Rights have nothing to do with it. For some of us, it's a money thing. For others, it's a morals thing. For some, it's both.

History shows us what happened when free enterprise took care of (or, all to often, did not) everything, and it wasn't pretty.

SpaceX, Virgin Galactic
UPS, Fedex
Private schools
*cough* Yeah, I can see your point.

Comment Not Net Neutrality (Score 1) 479

This has nothing to do with net neutrality.

AOL did this long ago, except instead of gigabytes, it was minutes. Cell providers also do this currently, offering different pricing tiers based on usage.

So, enough with the disinformation campaigns already. Net neutrality should either succeed or fail based on its own merits -- everything that an ISP does that may be objectionable is not necessarily attributed to the absence of net neutrality.

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