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Comment Re:Abbott is a moron (Score 1) 306

Learning how to decompose large problems into smaller ones that can be solved individually is also really valuable.

I have told a lot of people that a short study of project management--just a crash course from a book--would be valuable because of the context for hierarchical decomposition. Project Managers break down projects. A project's scope is broken down into a work breakdown structure (WBS) by listing the project as the top node (whole), and then breaking it into its deliverable parts--including project management, testing, and so forth, as well as solid deliverables--and then further breaking those down, until you have fully-identifiable work packages. Risks are broken down the same way in a Risk Breakdown Structure.

I encourage you to watch this ten-minute video, which explains a WBS in a way I find accurate, concise, and easily-understood. It's very approachable, in plain English language. You'll undoubtedly see that this is an excellent approach to absolutely anything you want to do; it seems obvious but, as you say, it's not a natural skill.

Comment Re: Save in conversion, pay for copper (Score 1) 597

Steam irons use a heated water reservoir to store steam. US irons use a hot plate through which cold water is injected. A steam iron can produce a constant stream of steam for a good half-hour, and doesn't cool when steaming... except in the US, where it can produce steam for about 10 seconds, then needs 10 more minutes to heat back up.

Comment Re:Abbott is a moron (Score 1) 306

He is an idiot, and his position is founded on sand; I think the position that everyone should be a computer programmer is also founded on sand, but I actually understand *why*.

This important distinction is missed by the general public, and so public policy is a popularity contest. Smart people incorrectly think X, people get behind the guy. In the case of coding skills and technology in education, it's computer nerds thinking they understand market economy, sociology, and primary education. Being able to code in AWK, Sed, and Bash have proved more useful to me than C, Visual Basic, Objective-C, Java Script, C#, and even Python--as useful as Python and C# are (don't ask me why, but I actually like C#); I still don't think these are primary skills. My idea of primary skills are the base skills of learning that will allow students leaving high school to recognize that awk might be useful, and spend an afternoon learning it inside and out.

Comment In the lab vs clinically. (Score 1) 692

Seriously. We're doing this in a lab environment right? To bits of tissue or mice?

That's still a LONG way away from doing:

A) To a human
B) Affecting their entire body
C) In a clinical/outpatient setting
D) Without side effects
E) In a controlled manner

A) Being able to rejuvenate a mouse spleen helps Joe Everyguy out not at all.

B) Rejuvenating someone in a piecemeal fashion can be pointless or even dangerous.

C) There's a HUGE difference between a lab procedure and actually mass producing this so that anyone (with sufficient money) could come in and receive a treatment (or series of treatments).

D) What happens if you run rejuvenation on precancerous or cancerous tissue? What happens to the older tissues? And what sort of effect does that have on the body's mechanisms for cleaning itself up?

E) How do you control how MUCH you're rejuvenating someone? Or is it "catch as catch can"? Sure, it'd be nice to revert to a 20-something. What if Person A reverts only into something equivalent to their mid 30's? While person B reverts to something approximating prepubesence?

This doesn't even get into the social ethics and bioethics of the situation.

Comment Re:Just wondering (Score 2) 227

They are controlled by radio which can be detected.

Yes and no.

Some higher end models and drones allow you to record and re-execute a series of maneuvers. That pretty much destroys any possibility of interference with a remote controller.

So, you get measurements of the area you're going to attack.

Head out to a field and mark off a route.

Get a viable flight pattern down and record it.

Go out, setup, let the drone loose.

Execute the arranged flight flight path.

Walk away.

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