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Comment Early Detection Trumps Everything. (Score 3, Insightful) 204

Earliest detection can lead to stopping a problem or getting rid of it with minor treatment or life style changes, so health systems are promoting "wellness" programs involving early detection/monitoring.

If we manage early detection on a large % of the population, we won't need as much "treatment" and "cures."

That would decrease the cost & need for healthcare overall and lead to a healthier population. A lot of companies are working on aspects of this.

Comment Complacent CIOs & CEOs (Score 3, Interesting) 106

Given the dozens and dozens of reported hacks against large orgs over the last 2 year, I can only conclude there is a large disregard for properly addressing security that starts right at the top of the C suite in big companies.

That is at least as troubling for smaller companies, who likely have less resources to deal with security.

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