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Comment Re:he wants, or his owners want? (Score 2) 87

His owners are the same ones that own all of UK politics: The US.

People here in the UK are supporting the likes of UKIP because they'll keep those pesky Europeans at bay - the thing is, Europe is like a pussy cat compared to the behind-the-scenes back-channel under-the-counter pressure that comes from the US.

Comment Re:Duh (Score 1) 320

Whilst I dispute the claim about Drupal being crap, the core works just fine on Postgres (although you will have to live without a good chunk of the contrib modules, but in my experience most of them fall into your PHPtards category).

There is one very, very good module called dbtng_migrator which can take one type of Drupal database and convert it into another one. I just used it to convert some old MySQL based sites to Postgres. There are comments on the website about someone using it to convert from something to SQLite to 'sunset' a couple of Drupal sites. Either way, it's excellent - and means there's literally no reason to use MySQL (unless you want to). I'll be converting my home projects to Postgres when I get time to do it.

Comment Re:It is time to get up one way or the other (Score 1) 1089

So what you're saying is that if "they" made the whole presidential race thing less boring, more people might be inclined to vote usefully?

It certainly sounds sensible to me - here in the UK we've got to endure something like 4 months of "cam-pain", during which all that really happens is a whole lot of name calling and seeing politicians doing things (very badly) in suits where they should have worn jeans and maybe practiced ping pong, cricket or digging holes or whatever they're doing. All pretty boring, and not at all inspiring to vote for the person you think is the best - you almost have to vote for the least worst because they've all engaged in the name calling, and they've all had lots of dirt thrown at them.

In the US it seems like an almost endless schedule of "woop woop" rallies and pseudo-religious pseudo-monarchy praising. I cannot imagine ever wanting to go to any US political rallies - I could barely hold myself back from slapping most politicians in the face if I ever met them, so doing lots of cheering and clapping and then crying when you get to shake their hand seems like a very strange idea to me.

Comment The year of Linux on the desktop ;-) (Score 1) 200

With all the dozens of different Linux/BSD/Unix variants, and the different window systems they have, as a full time IT worker, I'd have a hard time working out what was what on them all. Good luck to the rent-a-goon at customs when I pull out my FreeNAS box with VMware hypervisor with an Ubuntu guest with Xmonad windowing system with an AES encrypted partition that's mounted by cryptsetup based bash script.

Comment Re:The UK had this years ago! (Score 2) 97

...and it didn't work in a lot of cases. In fact, it failed to meet half of the targets set for the programme (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelnews/9087049/Iris-recognition-gates-scrapped-at-two-airports.html). All this, after the government touted the scheme as "watertight". Just goes to show the standards the government works to, eh?

Comment Re:Backup software? (Score 1) 71

I recently 'discovered' duplicity - it's very good for this sort of thing, but it can't use this or Glacier as a store. I can use S3 though, which you can use as staging for Glacier.

Personally, I use Duplicity to backup my NAS to another disk. I then have a script that copies full backups up to Glacier (and then deletes them). I'm working on a nicer glacier client for this, but the java one I downloaded from github works well enough to get going.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 282

After a burglary:

Officer: Oh, so you have a camera right over your safe. Was it on and recording?
You: Yes, I have the guys face nice and clearly, good resolution, lighting etc.
Officer: Can we have a copy, please? We'll run it against our mugshot database
You: No, but you can give me your mugshots and I'll run it though my system if you like

As an aside, I got burgled once - I was the nice bloke in a crappy neighbourhood. I had 4 computers in the house at the time - only my laptop got nicked - I'm sure I could have had camera all over the place and got pictures of the guy. Not sure it'd have helped all that much back then though.

The beat cops asked for a crime scene investigator because they found a bit of a boot print on the floor. She came next morning (Saturday), and looked and sounded like she had a hangover. She wasn't impressed with the boot print. Eventually, another cop came over to sort of round things off. I asked what was really going to happen about this - to his credit, he was honest - he said not much, but it'll go on the crime map so will be contributory to any possible future work if there's a pattern. Never did see my stuff again, and whilst the insurance paid out well, you never replace everything exactly as you'd like it.

Comment Re: Thanks to Wang (Score 1) 180

Calling their global support service Wang Care wasn't a great move.

(the story goes that the European head had to answer directly to Dr. Wang about why the name had been changed from Wang Care to whatever it ended up being)

Opening an office in Cologne, Germany wasn't a successful one either - no one wanted to go to Wang Cologne ;-)

Comment Re:Try before you buy (Score 1) 284

In the downloading sense, no one spent any (appreciable) time or money delivering the content, Further, by listening to it, you didn't deprive anyone else of that quantity of content. This, this is nothing like ordering food (or indeed anything else) and not paying for it.

The point here is to clearly understand the differences between digital content and physical property or goods. It's then to clearly understand the similarities between them and design new laws, or apply existing ones appropriately. At the moment, all we have is the media distribution companies (who have a dwindling business model) talking about how digital content is just like physical - but unfortunately for them, that's simply not true. It doesn't matter if you're a so-called "freetard", a hardened criminal, a law abiding citizen, a media exec, a politician or an alien from the planet Zod - digital content is never, ever going to be the same as physical property. Thus, laws surrounding it cannot be the same either.

Comment eh? (Score 2) 44

I don't get it... what's the for? is it for the host running the containers, or for the containers themselves?

I set up a bit of Docker goodness at work because I needed to do some stuff in RHEL5, 6 and 7 sort of simultaneously. I found getting the base image of a RHEL system into a container to be annoyingly hard - first of all, you somehow have to know what all the bajillions of 'base' packages are that you're going to need. Then you make your container and spin it up to a bash prompt. Great - all looking good, right? Wrong. For any other packages you want to install you need an RPM repo, only Redhat give you a satellite - for which you need a client license. You'll need one of those for every container you ever create - that can't be right, can it?

Maybe I'm completely missing the Chosen Path here, but getting Dockers up and going in an enterprise setting seems remarkably fiddly. That said, being able to spin up a considerably smaller container would be very welcome. I'm not so sure having a stripped down host to run them on necessarily excites me all that much, but whatever it takes to get the bloat out of distributions is fine with me.

Comment Re:The Brock string (Score 1) 55

I had non-binocular vision when I was a kid. the guy in the white coat just took a length of cardboard, drew a line down the middle of it and drew some blobs on the line which he marked from 1..10. I got a bunch of other exercises too (I seem to remember two stick men, one with arms but no legs and one with legs but no arms and having to make them into one complete stick man). I can't remember those very well, but that bit of cardboard fixed it for me.

As an aside, if lazy eye affects such a small proportion of the population, how is that most of them seem to end up in engineering/technical jobs?

Comment Re:Politics aside for a moment. (Score 3, Insightful) 538

...and I'll bet pretty much any ranking politician does much the same, and thinks along the same lines - in any party, in any country, in any system of governance.

If I'm honest, I reckon to be a politician of any note, you pretty much have to be a bit under-handed from time to time, and you pretty much have to push the rules to their limits. If you just want to be a local politician, or even maybe a national politician that doesn't do much more than that (what we call 'back bench' here in the UK) then you can probably be fairly noble, if you really want to be. If you've got any sort of ambition though, then you've got to 'play the game' considerably harder than that, and so pushing boundaries of the rules/decency/morality start to become more of a requirement.

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