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Submission + - Mac, BSD prone to decade old attacks 7

BSDer writes: An Israeli security researcher published a paper few hours ago, detailing attacks against Mac, OpenBSD and other BSD-style operating systems. The attacks, says Amit Klein from Trusteer enable DNS cache poisoning, IP level traffic analysis, host detection, O/S fingerprinting and in some cases even TCP blind data injection. The irony is that OpenBSD boasted their protection mechanism against those exact attacks when a similar attack against the BIND DNS server was disclosed by the same researcher mid 2007. It seems now that OpenBSD may need to revisit their code and their statements. According to the researcher, another affected party, Apple, refused to commit to any fix timelines. It would be interesting to see their reaction now that this paper is public.

Submission + - Jack Thompson Facing Disbarment Trial

pwizard2 writes: Controversial Miami attorney Jack Thompson faces the start of an ethics trial this morning which could get him disbarred. Have we seen the end of his shenanigans, and is he finally going to see some long-overdue comeuppance?

Submission + - QEMU accelerator released under GPL

kebes writes: According to the official QEMU site, the QEMU accelerator module, KQEMU, has just been released under the open-source GPL license. QEMU is a cross-platform processor emulator, allowing you to virtualize an entire PC. The KQEMU module allows significatn virtualization speedup when emulating an x86 processor on x86 hardware. The module was previously available as a binary-only add-on to the open-source QEMU. This recent relicensing makes QEMU a fully open-source, high-speed virtualization tool available to all.

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