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Comment Re:Safari does clean up after itself. (Score 2, Interesting) 200

Anyway, chrome beta is coming on nicely and hopefully I will be able to ditch safari for good. [Firefox is my main browser but I do need a second browser].
I have been keeping track of mac chrome and in the last two months it has become quite stable and only thing missing is flash. Some here would even consider that a feature.

Submission + - Debian to Replace GLIBC with EGLIBC (aurel32.net)

mallumax writes: "Debian has decided to replace GLIBC with EGLIBC primarily due to hostile maintainers of GLIBC (mainly Ulrich Drepper). The EGLIBC is a variant of the GLIBC which stays source and binary compatible with the original GLIBC. It has better support for embedded architectures, Support for building with -Os, Configurable component, Better testsuite for optimized or biarch packages and a stable branch with fixes for important bugs.This might be the start of an exodus from GLIBC and its fate is atrting to resemble that of Xfree86. The abrasive attitude of GLIBC maintainers has been source of much criticism but this is the first time that a mainstream distribution is willing to abandon GLIBC, which is one of the most vital components of any distribution."

Submission + - U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency Over Swine F (nytimes.com)

mallumax writes: "American health officials on Sunday declared a public health emergency over increasing cases of swine flu, saying that they had confirmed 20 cases of the disease in the United States and expected to see more as investigators fan out to track down the path of the outbreak. Other governments around the world stepped up their response to the incipient outbreak, racing to contain the infection amid reports of potential new cases from New Zealand to Hong Kong to Spain, raising concerns about the potential for a global pandemic. The cases in US looked to be similar to the deadly strain of swine flu that has killed more than 80 people in Mexico and infected 1,300 more."

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