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Comment Re:Expect networks to run to Congress (Score 1) 373

>> If you can honestly declare that you don't use anything with those capabilities, then you do not have to pay.

You can but Crapita will still keep sending you letters accusing you of being a thief and threatening to send thugs round to try and get entry to your house (they have no such right). This is why we Brits love the bloody TV licence and the BBC exec's expenses that it funds.


Comment Re:Ugh (Score 2) 89

"Given their financial situation, I'm actually very impressed that they're putting money into technical innovation."

The BBC don't have a financial problem. They just tax everyone with a TV in the UK - even if you never watch their stuff. Other TV companies have to earn their money.


Comment Re:Blockable Means of Communication ... (Score 1) 167

The Sci-Fi you're thinking of is probably Flash Crowd by Larry Niven. When a news event came up on the TV, people would teleport in to see it live. With it would come thieves and pickpockets who would prey on the crowd. The story focused on the method of dealing with the thieves - route all the outgoing booths through a Police clearing centre.


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