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Comment Re:Price? (Score 1) 346

"It won't. Is this extended support going to avoid XP from being replaced? I bet not. Therefore paying for the extended support *plus* replacing is certainly going to cost more than just replacing."

Which is why you should buy a new car tomorrow, even if you bought one just last week.

Comment Re:Price? (Score 1) 346

"Anything that can run Windows 7 could run linux.
Anything that can run embedded Windows 7 would have no problem running linux.
Or OpenBSD."

And what support contracts do those come with?

Windows XP continues to run after the support contract ends. By switching to any of the ones you mention, they would simply be spending time, money and effort to move the support end date up to now.

Comment Re:iPads do support HTML5 (Score 1) 234

"To me, the term "mobile browser" brings up the specter of the old browsers one typically found in phones before the iPhone..."

So the problem is your understanding of what a mobile browser is.

The iPhone, in fact, defined the first mobile browser. Prior to that, phones tried to make browsers work just like desktop versions.

Comment Re:"With its overtly Christian message" (Score 1) 1251

"The 10 commandments are of jewish origin, and are respected by muslims as well, since they are included in the quran. They didn't come from Jesus, so the 'overtly Christian message' comment just seems to be way off the mark and most importantly, it is technically incorrect."

What is hysterical about all if this is that it doesn't matter at all. It's all stuff made up by ignorant, primitive people thousands of years ago. The precise names we give to the people who originated it, as if we really knew, is irrelevant. Accepting your comments as accurate and meaningful implies there is a legitimacy to the topic that doesn't exist. It's the product of rantings of the deranges carried forward through centuries of ignorance.

Nothing came from Jesus since Jesus is a work of fiction. Doesn't mean there aren't "Christian messages".

Comment Re:Fireworks in 3...2...1... (Score 5, Insightful) 1251

"The downfall of modern society is the illusion of strength that the internet provides."

Look who's talking!

People make so much noise about knowing what the definition of marriage is. Gays don't care about that, they care about equal treatment under the law. "Might makes right" seems reasonable when it's your own prejudices that are threatened.

Comment Re:calories (Score 1) 440

"On what evidence do you base your claim that the same number of calories per day will make you thinner if they come from a source that doesn't raise blood glucose?"

This is a really good question, in fact a central one. Now that you know what the question is, you could actually research it rather than have someone on /. do it for you. It is not "his claim", it is a fundamental truth.

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