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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 0 accepted (3 total, 0.00% accepted)

The Media

Submission + - LHC's first victim (smh.com.au)

warp_kez writes: A teenage girl in India has reportedly killed herself out of fear the world was about to end because of the atom-smashing "Big Bang" experiment" conducted in Europe. The 16-year old girl, from the state of Madhya Pradesh, died after drinking pesticide, The Daily Mail said.

Submission + - Office printer as dangerous as cigarettes (news.com.au)

warp_kez writes: QUT appears to have discovered that laser printers emit small particles similar to those of smoke. Sorry, but I feel someone needs to do a "Welcome to last year" on this one as this has been know for quite sometime.

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