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Comment Re:Typical of Fox (Score 2) 338

but what they report is rarely flat-out false..

What is rarely? One out of 10? 100? 1000? 10000? times. In my experience it's more like 10-100 then 10000.

I see that we think completely different, but then I don't live in the US but Sweden and for me if a news media is lying at least once I will PERMANENTLY ignore it. Sure we have our share of bad "newspapers" like Aftonbladet and Expressen, but in my eyes they just not newspapers but sensationalist tabloids so I completely ignores them. Sure if they report anything interesting I investigate it, just like if a stranger on the street would have told me. But I will never tell someone "A stranger/Aftonbladet/Expressen/FOX told me X and Y" but "A stranger/Aftonbladet/Expressen/FOX told me X and Y and I looked it up here Z and it was actually true".

If you don't ignore a biased media you tell the it is OK to lie and twist news to fit them. Do your self and the humanity some good:
"Stop COMPLETELY to take so called news from biased media"

Comment Re:If this (Score 1) 191

And they will actually sell more cards due to this, and in the end earn more money.

I am just in the plans of buying a new gaming computer with Sandy Bridge and was considering either 2 AMD 6950 in crossfire or wait for 2 Nvidia 560 in SLI.
Now my decision became easy, I will get more for my money with 2x 6950.

I know I get something like PhysX with Nvidia but I get DisplayPort and 2GB with AMD, so in the end it was the highest FPS that was going to decide it for me as I'm going for 3x 1920x1200 displays.
And I bet I'm not the only one choosing a cheaper AMD instead of a more expensive Nvidia (with the unlocking counted in).

Comment Re:Not really (Score 1) 90

However with Chrome in the 10-15% range you have to ask how long they'll keep backing Firefox and just go all out on developing Chrome.

I bet Google don't care if Chrome+FF=biggest browser or just Chrome=biggest browser.
What Google want is stable browsers that evolve to the better, not backwards closed unstable IE6.

The more choice the users have to see their ads, the more ads the users will see and the more money Google will make.
My bet on why they started Chrome is that FF needed competition so FF6=IE6 don't happen. That is why I think Google will continue to backing FF.

I have always loved FF but Chrome are so much better today (that will hopefully level out with FF4 out of beta), that I have moved not only my browsing to Chrome from FF but also my mother, my sister (and her husband), my aunt, my friends and neighbors to Chrome. All in all, I'm responsible for around 15 computers move from FF to Chrome, and I have today less support regarding the browser (I estimate FF move made the IE support to 1/5 and Chrome made FF support in 1/2) as it is less "advanced" on the surface.

Comment Re:Neuromorphic CPUs (Score 1) 320

By 2018, that number will have shrunk to 12 nm, at which point atomic processes will interfere with transistor function; in other words, they will become increasingly unreliable.

Then Intel, Toshiba and Samsung must be doing something very stupid. "they hope to reduce lithography technology from the 20 nanometer size used today to something below 10nm." from

Comment Re:Never been so excited in my whole life! (Score 1) 405

Oh, sorry but I forgot about the quote.
Not that interested about reading the whole bible (or another religious book), but I'm quite sure it does mention something about god creating the earth in 7 days and creating Adam and Eve and all earth life.
I must have missed the part of alien life in religious class in school.

I'm quite sure few religious people accept alien life as gods children when they don't accept people without the same beliefs, for reference see Earth (you know all religious wars since the beginning of time). Personally I don't see much difference between religion/churches and nazis, both have been killing other because they are different.

For me it's dirt simple. Either ALL religions are right, there are a god that everyone gets differently, or everyone is wrong. I fail to see how one can be right and all the other wrong.

Comment Re:Never been so excited in my whole life! (Score 1) 405

I didn't state that all religious people are nuts, but nuts for me are peeple that:
Kill other people because they have another views
Says that the earth are the center of the universe
That the earth are not more than 4000 years old
Take the bible/koran/and all the other books literally word by word
And oh so more "strange" things like that.

And if you then think you are a religious nut, you are free to call me a nerd/geek/science nut or anything you like.

For me it hard to take religion seriously because over a thousand of years it has stated so many things wrong and still haven't proven one single thing, like science have.

I might be a science troll, but at least I won't get burned/hanged/drowned like in the old good times when the church ruled.

Comment Never been so excited in my whole life! (Score 1) 405

If it is correct that they have found life completely different that have evolved independently from us (and everything else that uses RNA/DNA like us) then this mean that there are 100% chance of life in every corner of the universe (not meaning intelligent life, but I barely call us that so...) with probably hundreds or more different types of life.
The odds of life only evolving on earth in the whole universe are astronomically huge (for me at least), but TWO different independent life types on the same and only place (earth or our solar system depending on where they found it) is "astronomically huge"*"astronomically huge". But then we are playing with almost infinity*infinity=infinity here (in my eyes).

Since I was really young I have always expected us to find a completely different life than us, but that I have Julius Verne to blame/thank for (got hooked on his books at a very early stage).
He learned me to think outside of my own restricted life and accept that (in my eyes) "impossible" things WILL happen, and happen a lot in the future.

Will be VERY fun to hear the religious nuts explain this (not that they succeeded that well with intelligent design with just one type of life).

Comment Re:Hypocrites (Score 1) 528

If I could I would put all my future mod points on this comment.
It is so spot on that even 1=1 is not as "true"...

It boils down the biggest problem with US and it's citizens. As long they are doing the killing, murdering, torture, invading and everything else that is horrible evil it's just fine. But when someone else does the same AND it matters to the US (economy mostly) it's the end of the world. US is the biggest bully in the world, and almost everyone just bends over.

And this says all for me "I don't give a fuck about what happens outside US territory" (comment from above). But I know he DO care, because he want Irak oil and Afghanistan resources flooding the US. I mean what is a few million lives as long as they get cheap oil...

Comment Re:first? or third? (Score 1) 186

Depends on what we call "a good chunk", "a minor change", "not very much".
A change to 19 to 1 from 20 to 1 might be any of the above (not that I'm saying that the change will be that or even close).

For us mortals the change might be minor, but for a scientist it might be a huge change.

Comment Re:first? or third? (Score 2) 186

It's just the opposite, Dark Matter is something we know we haven't seen, yet. It is a way to measure the "unexplored".

It's like saying that I know that of 20 persons in this room I can see 5 (and I can describe them).
If I have some way of knowing (gravity for example) that it must be equal to 20 persons, I can call the missing persons Dark People. They might be 15 normal people, its just that they are behind stuff (my self for example) so I cant see them straight on. I might catch a glimpse in a reflective surface and so on. But I might also have a number of persons and the rest are dogs, just because I haven't seen a dog doesn't mean there aren't any.

So Dark Matter might be known stuff (new stars like this) or unknown stuff (like the dogs).

Comment Re:first? or third? (Score 3, Interesting) 186

From Popular Science you can read:
" 'Within these galaxies, a good chunk of the mass that had been ascribed to dark matter is probably stars,' said Pieter van Dokkum, the lead researcher on the project."

So I bet "a good chunk of the mass" is a bit more than "a minor change".
But we will probably soon get an exact new ratio after the smart guys have made new calculations, other than any of the above.

Comment Re:Never visit Sweden (Score 3, Interesting) 252

It's not the laws that are flawed, it's our judges in the courts.
A good lawyer can tweak any country's law to prove anything, it's the judges role to keep em in control.

The Swedish judges have over the last year broken the constitution over and over and over, and no one care.
It has gone so far that yes I do think they are bribed. Either with money or power (fast track to higher positions).

But the worst thing is that no one (almost no one) cares. If I tell people that the judges break the constitution they don't react at all. Nothing. Blank.
If that is from lack of interest or knowledge I don't know, but I guess both.

We in Sweden are so used to get fucked by the authorities now days that it looks like we have just given up.
I used to say that not for anything in the world I would live in the USA because money can buy anything, and now Sweden has become a puppet to the states. It's time to migrate to Norway (our brother country that are not as corrupt, yet).

Comment Re:"Because You're Popular, You Get a Free Pass!" (Score 1) 298

Because it is fine if a girl "Talks a boy into it"...

The Swedish laws are very very aimed at stopping males from doing wrongs but not the females.
For example, if a married man hits his wife its called "Hustrumisshandel" that translate to "Wife batting". But if a female hits his husband its called just "batting" with less severe punishment (if any).

We (I am Swedish) have laws that prevent the society from discrimination on gender, but we have many (both social and actual) laws discriminating males, because we are desperate to fix the old female discriminations and then discriminate against the males instead (Sweden are one of the best countries on gender equality, seen from the female side).

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