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Comment Re:Dropping DRM is a step in the right direction (Score 0) 397

Doesn't Open Source predate the free software movement? When Richard Stallman was fighting with that printer which he didn't have a driver for, he was using a Unix machine. Traditionally, Unix has come with the source code but you were restricted with what you could do with it. That sounds like Open Source to me.

Comment Re:Nonsensical (Score 1) 195

The DOJ isn't involved yet, so cut the conspiracy bullshit.

Whether a monopoly is illegal isn't decided by how you acquired the monopoly. It's what you do after you achieve monopoly level market share which determines whether your monopoly is legal or illegal. You can be as anticompetitive as you want, but once you dominate any market segment, you have to be careful how you use that dominance.

I agree Google is probably fine, but for different reasons.

Comment Re:Microsoft (Score 1) 398

Really? Because we subscribe to Google Apps and let me tell you, Google Docs is incredible for shared content creation even if it is absolutely horrendous at formatting.

And LibreOffice/OpenOffice are almost as good as MS Office for sharing... put the files on a Samba share and then utilize the trackchanges and commenting systems built into the application.

So our process is often generate the content quickly in Google Docs, then 1 person copy/splats that into LibreOffice and cleans up the formatting (adding company watermarks, properly inserting figures, etc).

Comment Re:arg (Score 1) 92

I won't be installing it on my desktop or servers any time soon,

I should hope not! Installing a browser kiosk on your desktop would be weird, and if you installed it on a server I might have to take away your keys to the server room.

Comment Re:The Absolute Death of Software Copyright? (Score 1) 460

While I'm sure to be modded down for asking the hard questions and I doubt anybody would have had the guts to ask him

What the hell is this shit? Your comment reads like you asked why he murdered your wife. You're not publically interogating Salvatore Riina, you're asking Linus about ABIs. That's not a question that takes "guts" to ask. Cut the dramatic bullshit.

Comment Re:LibreOffice (Score 1) 297

I'm an engineer. We have a couple of copies of Matlab on a floating license, but mostly use the Sci lab. All the engineers run Linux, so MS Office isn't an option. Only management and sales have MS Office licenses. We do our documentation (internal and external data sheets, etc) in LaTeX. Other documents show up as LibreOffice.

So even for those of us that use that stuff... it needn't be important.

Comment Re:Update The background image is now gone. (Score 1) 232

The DMCA already provides this sort of action.

1. DMCA Complaint filed with service provider (ISP, webhost, youtube).
2. Offending content (image, song, etc) removed by ISP (or could be held liable).
3. (optional) Counter-claim filed, restores content.
4. (optional) Remaining details worked out in court.

And prior to the DMCA, your way is exactly how it worked, except the ISP didn't have to pull the content and the rights owner had more difficulty finding the individual who posted the content as the service provider was under no obligation to tell them without a court order. That abuse of the DMCA system is already rampant and congress wants to expand the power to include DNS blocking is madness.

Comment Re:Taxes (Score 1) 413

Do you think the UPS/USPS/FedEx guy dropping goods off at your home is doing it for free? They're providing a service that is paid for - Amazon may be giving you "free shipping" but it's really just rolled into your purchase price.

He already addressed this when he said

And besides, how do you think the merchandise gets to your brick and mortar store? Magic?? They pay suppliers too, who obviously factor in cost of delivery into their pricing scheme. Granted, stores obviously pay less for shipping in bulk, but then again, Amazon has deals with the shipping companies to get discounts too...

The shipping cost Amazon pays to get individual items to your home is probably more than the cost the brick and motor store pays, but since Amazon has fewer employees, they have more room to cut prices and still have the same or higher profit margins.

Comment Re:Taxes (Score 1) 413

What "use" taxes?

There's a form you're supposed to fill out each year to account for all the spending you made and didn't pay local sales tax on. Corporations are policed pretty well, so they fill it out; talk to your purchasing dept or accounting dept if you are skeptical... everything they buy online is taxed, and if the tax isn't already taken out by the seller, then your company fills out the paperwork and pays it on their own.

As a private citizen, you're supposed to do the same. You obviously don't. It's ok, I don't either.

Comment Re:Petition to ignorance (Score 1) 386

The problem is with the OEM's themselves,

I agree.

but they have little incentive to lock out all the systems.

Here I disagree. There's a reason Google makes it a requirement than OEMs include the ability to turn off secure boot... Google doesn't trust the OEMs -- for good reason.

It would be safe to assume that any PC marketed towards enthusiast or enterprise will have the option to disable the Secure Boot in the bios

That's probably true. I don't think I've every purchased an enthusiast or enterprise PC. I've built a number of my own enthusiast rigs and I've purchased a fair dozen Acer/eMachine/HP low end boxes. These are the ones that risk loosing dual boot.

Comment Re:A BIOS with minimal features? (Score 1) 386

I have NEVER seen a BIOS with minimal features.

Buy a Dell. Or an HP. Or an Acer. Now compare the BIOS/UEFI setup menu with an off the shelf motherboard (Asus, ASRock, Epox, etc). The off the shelf motherboard will have WAY more features than the Dell, HP, or Acer.

That you haven't seen a BIOS with minimal features either means you've a) never built a computer, b) never run a major whitebox system, or c) never looked and compared.

Disclaimer: I don't believe being a language designer adds or removes any credibility from your statement, regardless of the company you work for.

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