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Comment Re:Yes Google and FB are the ones to protect us? (Score 1) 116

Google, Facebook, and the NSA government are nothing more than competing Panopticons. They all want as much of your personal information as they can collect, and they all want to keep it as long as they can.

If one of these organizations is legally battling the other, then you can be sure it is because they feel they should more of your data than the other, not because of a moral imperative.

Comment The complaints are not a conspiracy... (Score 1) 579

This is about people who don't like using computers. Many non-technical people see computers as a hindrance to performing their job. Complaints go to what is simplistic to grasp. This is usually the OS. When Munich switch over to Microsoft many of the same users will then complain about Microsoft.

This isn't about complaints, it is about Microsoft lobbying Munich to make those complaints an issue.

Comment Why should diversity matter for Apple? (Score 1) 561

Diversity quotas, affirmative action, is about opportunity, not entitlement.

Apple doesn't give two shits about the color of the skin or gender of who it hires. Like every other tech company, Apple is looking to hire educated, motivated, and intelligent people. Unfortunately, there tends to be a racial bias on the "education" part of the equation... Blame our society for this, not Apple.

Comment Re:who? (Score 2) 183

The same bunch, who profited massively from selling "flu vaccines" by stirring up a flu panic.

Still waiting for that Ebola vaccine....

This is nonsense. The WHO doesn't sell flu vaccines. It does purchase and distribute vaccines to places that can't afford them. Long live rock.

Ebola is real if you live in one of the countries in Africa that has and Ebola outbreak. But for most of the rest of the world, "Worldwide Outbreak" sounds a bit like hyperbole. More like "Continent Wide Outbreak". But it is the WHO, not the CHO, so you get what you get.

Comment Re:Have you actually been to China? (Score 1) 110

You do realise the US does exactly this as well, and the prisons are corporations, and America even has more prisoners.

This is rubbish. China has more slaves than US has prisoners.

The US has very few prisons which operate as factories. Nearly all that do, pay wages. These prisons are usually more desirable for prisoners because it allows them learn skills and to bank money while incarcerated. China just has forced labor, no pay. They call it "re-education".

Comment Re:Have you actually been to China? (Score 1) 110

And you know this how exactly?

There are a lot of sources. The one is quite credible credible: http://www.globalslaveryindex....

The global slavery index only includes people that are known to be slaves. This doesn't include the mass amounts of dormitory employees that, due to economic conditions manufactured by the government, work for nearly nothing and can't afford to live outside their factory camps.

Your argument would be more credible if the US and EU didn't have manufacturing sectors equal to or larger than China's manufacturing sector.

So you are saying that slave labor is OK because China's economy isn't as big as the US and EU?

I have a stamping press in my plant for making wire leads. Operating this press requires some of skilled labor to set up and then it is all automated. No amount of cheap labor from China can undercut us on price, we're fast and we can pay our people good wages too.

Have you been to China and seen what those factories look like? They too have automated systems, its just the people setting it up are working below US minimum wage. China can get people to work far cheaper. The Chinese can duplicate just about anything designed and built in the US or anywhere else. The materials are cheaper because China has far less concern for how they treat the environment, and the supply chain also has equally cheap labor and, essentially, vertical integration.

There is no trick. It is simply a race to the bottom. And North America is being led into this race by a Communist country who for years had stated it was bent on destroying capitalist systems. We'd be best to leave China alone. Unfortunately, greed (Walmart profit margins) and some skewed dogma about "specialized labor" is making it difficult for most to see the big picture here.

I urge anyone that gets the chance to visit factories in China to take it. It really is an eye opener and will change your opinion, if you are one to think US manufacturing is safe because we "work smarter".

Comment Re:Bad summary of two separate issues (Score 1) 200

I don't remember a lot of planes getting hijacked in the US before the TSA showed up.

Either you don't know the history of hijackings or your memory is defective. Hijackings were a problem that resulted in increased security decades ago.

So you are agreeing with me, just with a side of attempted insult?

If you think this is about memory or knowledge, then you kind of missed my point: The TSA isn't necessary to stop hijackings. As you went all internet flamebait to explain, hijackings were already being stopped by the security we had. Yes I agree, that was my point.

The TSA isn't going to stop anything new. It is theater - in the most facist sense.

Comment Re:Bad summary of two separate issues (Score 1) 200

So, will you be the one keeping about 2,000 guns off of planes this year? Or how do you think that is going to work? Vigilantees? Or are hijackings and suicide attacks just not a consideration for you?

Seriously? Aside from the obvious event that justified this nonsense, I don't remember a lot of planes getting hijacked in the US before the TSA showed up. And we didn't need the TSA to stop those 9/11 fuckers - we just needed some FBI agents to put down their donuts and respond to reports of shady characters learning to fly planes while not giving a damn about landing them. Better cockpit doors and armed pilots would also have stopped them...

Doubtful the TSA would have done much to stop the "terrorists that want to take our freedoms" on 9/11. But the TSA has gotten real good at the "take our freedoms" part.

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