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Comment Re: Tabs vs Spaces (Score 1) 428

The team decides what the indentation style should be

Not on any project I run. "Discussions" about indentation style lead to some of the most unpleasant, passive-aggressive, time-wasting and downright unproductive meetings I've ever attended. There's always at least one or two people who are unwilling to compromise on what they consider to be the "best" style (as you can see by scrolling around this discussion).

The reason I tend to prefer the IDE default (for languages where it's a no-brainer to use the IDE, like Java) is because it requires the least effort to get right. There's always some bonehead who joins the project later, doesn't read the style guide, and starts committing using the default settings. If your project standard is the default settings, this is fine. On projects where you wasted around 8 hours determining that the indent should be four spaces and there should be a rigid right-column margin of 80 chars, this means that someone will check out the source, open it in Eclipse, and start committing changes indented with tabs. The IDE guys already had all those arguments about style, and they almost certainly have more collective experience than you. Use that experience, don't waste your life reinventing the wheel.

Have the team lead pick a simple, easily followed style, and allow a certain amount of leeway - as the saying goes foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. The point is to make the code easier to understand, and if there are occasions when deviating from the style guide improves this, do it.

Spend the time you would have wasted arguing about tabs or spaces creating a culture of discussion about what makes for clearer, more understandable code. Rules of thumb like "if you find yourself with the urge to comment a particular stretch of code, consider that you might just write the code more clearly".

Comment Re:People with artificial lenses can already see U (Score 3, Interesting) 137

This was the most reliably citable thing I could find : a medical paper discussing side effects of cataract lens replacements.

There's the much more readily verifiable fact that red-green colour blindness allows you to see right through various forms of camouflage, and this has been exploited by the military in various settings.

Lots of anecdotes here :

Comment Re:Tabs vs Spaces (Score 1) 428

Lining up comments after the code is a stupid bonehead thing to do, because per-line comments are a stupid bonehead thing to do.

If you have to comment every line to explain it's purpose, spend that effort making the code clearer instead.

Comments should be reserved for areas of special magic which are not immediately obvious and can't be refactored for whatever reason, and expanding on the contracts of public methods.

Comment Re: Tabs vs Spaces (Score 1) 428

I had project leads do that, use code beautifiers that re-indented, split, and re-ordered methods in files that were widely forked...

I'm a tabs person, because tabs give you more choice about how far a single level of indent is.

Spaces are more the totalitarian "I think 4 spaces is the right indent" person's choice.

But yes, suck it up and follow the convention on the project.

If the project uses a particular IDE, use the default for that IDE (which for Java / Eclipse - is tabs. Clearly you should also munge all the line-endings to plain LF with your version control system....)

Comment Re: Anonymous Overlay Networks (Score 1) 136

The contracts are only lucrative for the labels.

The reason they sign them is because the labels can offer them promotion and distribution. Faced with the choice of building their name through hard graft, and having a pre-made audience delivered to them on a plate, many choose to sign for the label. Faced with a flash, successful, A&R man who promises the earth and knows some really cool people, many choose to sign for the label.

You have deals where the artist sells $188M of CDs, and declares bankruptcy.

Comment Re:Stack Overflow? (Score 3, Insightful) 428

You can't continue to have that patriotism in view of the observable facts - your government is by the few, for the few, and the people be damned. I agree that it's great that a government was founded with these ideals - but as laid out in the constitution, the time would seem to have come to throw what you have away and replace it with a government for the people again.

True patriotism would be revolution.

Comment Re:Makes you wonder . . . (Score 3, Informative) 37

The buck stops with management. They get the pay, they get the responsibility.

Of course, they're the ones who assess performance as well. No way are they actually going to take the heat for that.

So the story is : bad management. They're not putting in the appropriate checks and balances, probably because they cost money. They're not interested in making a good product, they want to pad their pay packets. So the buck goes all the way to the top, to the people who decide remuneration policies.

If the software developers don't give a damn, they're not being selected or motivated appropriately by management.

And this is one of the myriad reasons why bonus culture sucks.

Comment Re:Lotus (Score 4, Informative) 178

Excel also succeeded because it had no format lock-in. Because it could WRITE Lotus 1-2-3 just as well as it read it, there was no risk to using Excel and finding that it didn't perform as well as Lotus.

Lotus was the incumbent at the time. 1-2-3 was the killer app that drove adoption of the PC. Yes, Excel worked in pretty graphics mode. Yes, Excel was better than 1-2-3. But you've seen management clinging like limpets to older solutions to things just because of their elevated perception of risk. If Excel hadn't been able to read 1-2-3 files perfectly, it would never have happened.

It's exactly the same reason why people won't migrate from MS Office to LibreOffice - because it's not entirely compatible, and everyone else uses it. It's all but impossible to make an entirely compatible program though - because even the MOO-XML formats are just a serialization of binary structs and even *puke* Windows API calls. Office isn't a standalone program - it only works on Windows.

Comment Re:Why we use office (Score 1) 178

Indeed. Being a programmer who's moved further into the management zone, I'm having to cope with Office a lot more as my colleagues have a seriously restricted comfort zone when parted from the Microsoft teat for more than a few minutes.

The behaviour of both MS Office and LibreOffice infuriate me. As a relative novice (the last word processor I used seriously was Wordperfect 5.1 when I was at university), even the most basic, simple tasks seem so kludgy and clumsy.

It has got to the point where I'm considering writing a Markdown parser in VBA so I can continue to write my documents in wikitext and read them into the corporate template by running a macro. At this point, people will suggest using something like Pandoc, but it sucks horribly no matter what you do - I've tried direct conversion to DOCX, I've tried converting to ODT and then saving that as DOC(X) from LibreOffice - compatibility with Office is still horrible, and not surprisingly, as another poster points out, the internal formats are horrific and the 3,600 page MOO-XML documentation really reveals that.

The only thing that writes Office documents properly is Office - so automate Office to load documents from other formats, don't try and duplicate all that horror in other programs to convert to it.


It's Time To Open Your Eyes 136

Morpheus writes: Good morning. I'm talking to you. Yes, you. The one with the squeaking chair and the monitor that needs cleaning. Right now you're wondering why your officemates haven't mentioned the weird story on Slashdot's front page. They haven't mentioned it because they can't see it. Not everyone can accept reality as it is. But you can.

You know. You've always known. The things you see, the things you hear, and smell — they aren't any more real than your dreams. You've drifted through life so far wondering when you're going to wake up. But you don't have to wonder anymore. This is your alarm clock. The only decision you have left to make — the only decision you've ever had to make — is whether you want to wake up, or turn it off and drift back to sleep. In exactly two minutes, your phone is going to ring. If you want to open your eyes, to be born into a world more real than you've ever imagined.. answer it.

If You Thought Studying History Was Bad, This Math Professor Is Making It Harder 75

Raven writes: New research out of Streeling University aims to make planning for the future much easier. The work, led by professor Seldon, tries to set probabilistic values on future events, and then weigh those probabilities against each other to figure out what combination of events is most likely to happen. Describing it under the unlikely moniker "psychohistory," Seldon seems to think planning even 10,000 years into the future might be possible. (Seldon also seems to be a bit of a doomsayer, so this is likely exaggerated.) Nevertheless, it'll be another tool for government planners to consider when developing new colonies.

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