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Comment Re:Imagine that! (Score 1) 191

It surprises me that Google doesn't actually have their own online 'newspaper'. They could employ an editor to create a mashup of the best stories online, with a profit-sharing arrangement on ads.

I'd prefer a dedicated web page than, say, facebook injecting clickbait through their universally hated 'Top Stories'.

my two local newspapers have introduced paywalls, with a minimal number of free articles a month. One is fairly decent, the other is Rupert's trashy tabloid, complete with celebrity gossip and miracle weight loss cures. Syndicating the former through Google could reach an international audience, along with selected articles from other online sources and Google's ubiquity would ensure those articles chosen need not be subscription only.

But usually I stick to via RSS for news, despite the vandals in the federal government wanting to destroy it. 8 cents a day...

Comment Re:Wha?!?!!! (Score 1) 172

I read somewhere that NTVDM isn't supported in x86-64 because "long mode" won't execute "8086 Virtual Mode".

Yet supposedly MS could resurrect the software for 64 bit Windows by running the software via the VT-x CPU extension present in most recent x86-64 CPU revisions.

But I guess the effort to make the NTVDM subsystem 64 bit clean isn't worth it...

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