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Comment Re:Any materialized predictions? (Re:Sudden?) (Score 1) 268

Yes, 98-2012 period was unexpected - for some unknown reason atmospheric heating got uncoupled from the ocean heating. So Antarctic melting intensified and Arctic ice loss skyrocketed while the general air temperature growth slowed (it has NOT stopped). The last couple of years the coupling has returned with a vengeance and we'll all be seeing its results soonish.

So yes, if you want to nitpick IPCC then you should provide context and full information. Not just convenient sound bites.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 256

Uhm... I've been using front-loaders pretty much the whole life (and was shocked to find out that they are rare in the US) and I've never had a problem with mildew, except that one time when I left my clothes in the washer for one week. An empty run with a regular detergent fixed it (the clothes were ruined, though).

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 1) 256

Detergent is not a disinfectant.

Detergent (and even good old soap) doesn't kill _all_ bacteria and spores, but it's pretty efficient in killing most of active bacteria and fungi (link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pm... ). That's more than enough to delay the onset of mold long enough for the clothes to dry.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 4, Interesting) 256

Are you really going to get up at 3AM to do laundry? I doubt it.

People on Kauai, HI do this all the time - by setting a timer on a washing machine (electricity prices 8x the national average are a good motivator) . You can also pre-heat water during the nighttime or use solar water heaters during the day.

Comment Re:Every 10,000 years? (Score 1) 42

Nuclear weapon EMP is greatly exaggerated.

A rule of thumb is, if your devices are affected by an EMP of a nuclear explosion and you're not inside a bunker/tank/whatever then you shouldn't worry about it. Because you're dead.

Besides, even the largest solar flares won't produce much magnetic flux to affect anything less than grid-size. Remember, flares themselves do not produce magnetic field themselves, they affect the Earth's geomagnetic field instead.

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