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Comment Or (Score 0) 117

Or you could wash the wings once in a while. You're on the tarmac for over an hour while:
  - Passengers are busy boarding despite their boarding group not being called.
  - Crews are not loading your luggage.
  - The pilot is working on his second cup of "sober up" coffee.
  - The flight attendants are gossiping about who fucked whom.
  - Etc.

Might as well have a guy spend 2 minutes hosing off the wings. Impact of build-up during a single flight surely falls below the point where applying and maintaining a fancy coating is cheaper than having Jose hos-e off the bugs.

Comment Re:Hardware Locking (Score 1) 111

If total overhead increase of 200KB for compiled application size, and ~3-5MB memory overhead for non-invasive DRM is a joke, then yes. But not as much as MS extending support until 2024 to allow for the "migration to .NET". At that point, I'll have moved onto other things.

Hopefully you move onto something you understand.
Do you REALLY think you're the first person to think they've got good DRM?

Comment Re:How stupid could someone be? (Score 2) 111

Hash collisions happen.
The real solution is to NOT use a generation algorithm for keys. Generate strings, then approve only those you actually sell and distribute.
Software installation/runtime checks locally against the generation algorithm, allowing for offline installations, bundled installers, old version installs, use in 50 years after all the servers are gone, etc.
Updates ask for your key and the server decides if it's valid (an approved string that hasn't been used by thousands of PCs across the net).
Allow manual updates from pre-downloaded files for offline use, use after the servers are gone, bundled installers, etc. If you want to be nice, allow anyone to download these updates, perhaps after some time period, or perhaps only when the software is EOL.

Comment Re:Looks like the second stage ruptured (Score -1) 316

From Musk: There was an overpressure event in the upper stage liquid oxygen tank. Data suggests counter intuitive cause.

More info after a thorough fault tree analysis.

(I left my froot-loops in the stage 2 oxygen tank -- sorry about that Elon.)

How about Musk let the actual engineers talk about what happened.
Distilling this catastrophic failure into a fucking tweet by a PHB who only takes an interest when he needs to run PR damage control is fucking insulting to the people who are actually working on shit.

Comment Re:802.11 is unlicensed... set up a noise generato (Score 1) 268

Because there is NO lawful justification for interfering with the band in such a manner.

Of course there is. They're not permitted to use their radio equipment in an unlawful manner

They aren't. And if they were, that doesn't grant someone else the hijack the airwaves in retaliation.

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