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Comment Re:Holy Biased Presentation Batman! (Score 1) 466

Considering the size of the US, most birds will never see a tall building in their entire life.

But how many windmills will they see if we generate, say, 30% of our nation's electricity from wind? I don't know if bird or bat kills will be a serious problem or not, but it should definitely be researched.

Comment Re:Sucks to be them. (Score 1) 1030

If they really wanted to be fair, they'd charge every person hooked to the grid for their share of the fixed costs, PLUS the variable cost of how many kilowatt-hours they use. But in many places this is not currently legal.

Then we need to make it legal. We also need demand pricing, which I dislike, but which will mostly help solar people. New times require new laws. It would be nice if they could accurately reflect the cost of power, but I fear politics will make that impossible.

Comment Re:Which company bought this 'new' rule? (Score 1) 1143

... but they're illegal because they won't spend a fortune fitting rare-earth metal infested catalytic converters and other emissions systems ...

Rare-earths in a catalytic converter? That's the first I've heard of that. That could bring down the cost quite a bit, since rare-earths are quite a bit cheaper that the precious metals, like platinum and palladium, that I'm used to them using.

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