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Comment Re:Probably the home router... (Score 1) 574

It is most likely to happen if you change ISP, or your ISP is taken over by another company that already serves your area. For example, my ISP Telefonica O2 has been taken over by Rupert Murdoch's Sky. At some point in the next couple of months, I will be moved over from the O2 network to the Sky network, and get a different static IPV4 address.

Comment Re: Murica Fuck yea! (Score 1) 635

I think it is fair. My claim was that fuel costs about the same per mile/km in Europe as it does in the US, even though per gallon/litre, it costs a lot more.
The majority of cars in Europe are diesel, France for example is 90% diesel, and people who drive more miles tend to choose diesel cars as the additional cost of buying the car is offset by the fuel savings; therefore a very large majority of fuel sales in Europe are for diesel. The choice of diesel is one of the reasons why miles per gallon is much higher in Europe than in the US.

Comment Re:MEGA Windows sync client (Score 1) 69

I have copies of my insurance certificates on Dropbox, Google Drive and Sky Drive. They are pretty important, but the NSA will already have a copy of the email the insurer sent to me enclosing them as pdf attachments, and while there is some risk that someone else could use them for a spear phishing attack on me, I figure it is less risk than the risk to me of losing them, and there is a good chance that the circumstances that could cause me to lose them might also be circumstances that cause me to have to make a claim on my insurance.

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