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Comment Re:How surprising... not (Score 2) 110

Mars' atmosphere is .. around 20 mBar's near-vacuum. And vacuum makes for a very good thermal insulator.

"For all practical purposes" is not correct. The thermal conductivity of a gas is near-independent of pressure down to very low pressures, until the mean free path of particles becomes large compared to the distance to the solid where the heat gets dumped. 20mBar and the MFP is still tiny.
You need a pretty good vacuum (10^-4mbar or so) in a coffee flask otherwise it doesn't change a thing.

Comment Re:Some things stick (Score 2) 422

Excel checks formulas for "consistency" so if you have b1 : = a1+1 , b2: =a2+1 , b3: =a42 + 1 , b4: =a4+1 , then the ropey B3 will be flagged up. Of course there are sometimes false positives and you switch this check off or ignore it, and who knows how many false negatives.
The message "just say no to Excel" still stands.

Submission + - Never mind the tinfoil hat: Here's silver-lined pants

MancunianMaskMan writes: "Wireless Armour" is a croudfunding attempt for a new kind of pants that protects ones cojones from nasty radiation. It's already at 25% of its funding goal which is an indication that the bounds of gullibility are wider than previously thought. Ther blurb reads: "Wireless Armour has the ambitious goal of protecting the health of the wireless generation..."
El reg has a short writeup.

Comment Re:Do electric cars actually produce CO2? (Score 1) 330

passing neutron (= beta radiation)

beta radiation is high-energy electrons, not neutrons.

Beta decay happens in certain nuclei, upping the atomic number while keeping the nucleon count constant. A proton flips into a neutron and the spare electric charge flies off with the electron, which has comparatively little mass.

Neutrons are emitted during fission events, a nucleus splits (roughly) in half with a few neutrons left over. These neutrons are generally "fast", i.e. high-energy, and the "fast" in fast breeder refers to the fact that these fast neutrons are used for breeding rather than slowed-down ("thermal") neutrons.

Comment Re:just buy an costa rica island to put them on (Score 1) 168

mitochondrial + nuclear DNA would make an actual mammoth

No biologist here either but I believe it's technically correct, but still useless. If elephants are anything to go by, which are social creatures, a mammoth calf would have to learn a lot about its habitat from its parents, geography, what to eat, what not to eat, etc. It can't learn that from an African elephant. A zoo animal is all you would get.

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