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Comment Re:I feel sorry (Score 1) 136

I also feel sorry for the poor fish in the barrel. What would be interesting to monitor is how far up the management chain the sh*t flies.

In a more perfect world, those that succumb to social engineering would then have their bosses/supervisors subjected to the same social engineering, and if they fail, their bosses/supervisors would then be subjected to social engineering....

Comment Re:But wait! (Score 1) 336

The fundamental mode (0S2) for the Earth's resonance is about 54 minutes long. Higher mode free-oscillations have shorter periods. The key thing is that this mode, which can be excited by very large earthquakes (more energy released than a meteor impact), damps out after a few hours to a few days. Also note that the shorter the period of the oscillation, the faster the attenuation rate.

Comment If your asked to leave... (Score 1) 1080 is how to do it

At a company I worked at about 15 years ago, they dismissed (let go/fired/etc) one of the employees who also happened to handle much of the computing environment.

The president and vice president (and I believe at least one corporate lawyer) asked him into the conference room where they told him that he was fired and not allowed to return to his office. He said "may I make a phone call?". They said sure. He picked up the phone, dialed a number and said "Implement Plan B" and hung up the phone.

The pres and vice pres and lawyer went totally ape-shit. The place went into instant lockdown and we were pretty much unable to use the corporate network for about a week while they went through everything, changed all codes... musta cost a small fortune in both time and money.

A couple of years later I ran into the guy who was fired and I said "wow, do you realize what happened after you said those words? BTW, what exactly was plan B?" He said "I called my wife and said "implement plan b" but she had no idea what that meant, I was just joking".

Wonderful payback to some really stupid employers (they totally deserved it). Totally made my day.

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