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Comment Re:Umm, like I have an idea? (Score 1) 256

If Tesla can do this, then so will Ford and GM, and then you just killed a very large job market, seeing as how many dealerships employ 50+ employees

And if the demand existed for the cars, those 50 jobs would still exist. Just instead of being employed by "Joe's Car Emporium", they'd be employed by Tesla (for Ford, or GM).

Comment Re:Government Dictionary (Score 1, Insightful) 239

Of course, perhaps the fact that so many people throw around the term entrapment is indicitive of a general feeling of unfairness at these actions and that they should be illegal actions for the police.

Or, this is the griping of people who figured that they were going to "get away" with something and are now looking for any justification to escape the responsibility for their actions that they knew were wrong to begin with.

Comment Re:Not just college applications (Score 1) 389

If you're applying for a programming job, that will never come into contact with customers

Famous Last Words. What's missing is the broader view of who the "customer" is. The customer is the person who will be "consuming" the programmer's work. That could be the programmer's manager ("here's my code"), or the project manager ("Hey, here's a different way of accomplishing the task with the following benefits and drawbacks"), Or the CTO ("If we change our practices in such-and-such a manner, we will save X hours a week of effort."), or Sales ("Hmm... can't do that, but what about this?"), or...etc.

Comment Headline that asks a question (Score 5, Informative) 282

Betteridge's law of headlines. No. The article doesn't say a whole lot. Just makes the assertion that "servers" and "desktops" are different, and lightly appears to dislike systemd. Tries to make the assertion that the security concerns are different on the desktop and on the servers, but doesn't provide a strong argument for that assertion (or really any assertion it makes).

Comment Re:Crichton is an idiot. (Score 4, Insightful) 770

And as soon as those many many many scientists can repeat and verify that experiment, the consensus very quickly changes to account for the new experiment, and the old consensus vanishes. (Or someone can come up with a counter experiment that shows how the first doesn't apply....) That's how Science advances. "Here's how the current theory works. X, Y, Z.". "Hey, I found a case where Y doesn't happen, if there is a presence of midichlorians (M)." "You're right. Ok, new theory: X, Y (if there are no M), Z.". Doesn't make the first consensus wrong. It was right for all of the available data at the time.

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