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Comment Nokia (Score 1) 223

If this is so, then Nokia can now assert copyright over fork().

Nokia now owns Bell Labs through a long chain of acquisitions. Bell Labs publicly asserted copyright over fork() in the Lions Commentary.

Nokia should now assert infringement over Solaris and the UEK. A sizable portion of Exadata revenues are fairly owed should this decision stand.

Comment $4.68 is the minimum DAILY wage in Mexico (Score 1) 1094

I am all for fair compensation, but am I truly frightened when U.S. workers make more in one hour than Mexican workers make in a day.

If jobs are to remain, our workforce must be far more productive than our global competition. We should be demanding more worker education, which would likely impact wages far more than legislative mandate. Simply making the workforce more expensive with no realistic improvements will only enlarge the class of the permanent unemployed.

Comment Fail the school. (Score 2) 355

My professors conducted research in areas that were only slightly related (on a good day) to the material that they were assigned to teach. These people carefully preserved overhead transparencies from previous teachers that were cracked and faded. They obviously had little enthusiasm for their teaching duties, and my fellow students mirrored the excitement.

Some became prima donnas that flew into a rage in the wrong circumstances. Some actively preened their students for (low-paid) graduate research (not entirely suppressing a greedy desire to exploit). And some simply took apathy to levels that I had never seen before.

I went through a real circus with a professor going for tenure (who did have basic problems with competence) that had to endure not only the stifled laughter of fellow faculty in our class, but video tape recorders documenting his poor teaching style.

School, at all levels, needs to put people who want to teach in front of people who want to learn, which is diametrically opposed to the structure of a research university. If you don't have both of these types of people in the right place at the right time, the results will be substandard, as indeed they have been for the past century.

Fail the school.

Comment I think that the people at OpenCOBOL... (Score 1) 125

...would beg to differ, with this fact from the COBOL wiki:

In 1997, Gartner Group estimated that there were a total of 200 billion lines of COBOL in existence which ran 80% of all business programs.

I would bet you that COBOL environments have had 1/10th, and perhaps 1/100th of the security problems as systems based on C.

Comment Best-practice ciphers (Score 1) 53

In addtion to sending the CSR, and not the key, scan your SSL server with the SSL Labs Scanner and you will see many flaws.

To fix these flaws, apply these cipher best practices to lock out bad ciphers (RC4, export-grade ciphers), and deny the entire SSLv3 protocol which now has critical design flaws.

The key to the best-practice ciphers are these Apache directives (this configuration is also effective on the older 0.9.8 OpenSSL):

SSLProtocol ALL -SSLv2 -SSLv3
SSLCompression Off
SSLHonorCipherOrder On

To summarize:

  • - Apply vendor patches for your OpenSSL with some degree of haste.
  • - Check the best practice cipher page at least once per quarter.

Comment Other messias. (Score 1) 1168

There were several miracle workers in Judea at the time of Yeshua, some who could even raise the dead by contemporary accounts. The main difference is that Yeshua performed his miracles without monetary charge. If this aspect is similar, and rebellion was a common sentiment (i.e. Sepphoris), then we can assume that Yeshua was familiar with the issues, even if he did not share the opinions of all of them.

After the crucifixion, Paul changed Yeshua radically, abandoning Mosaic law and calling himself the "first apostle." James the Just, the head of the whole church, recalled Paul to Jerusalem twice, and censured him for what would amount to heresy. James then dispatched emissaries to all of Paul's congregations to correct the "flawed" teaching, which was largely successful. There is even a story in the memoirs of Clement (Peter's successor) that Paul threw James down a flight of stairs in a rage on his second return.

Paul's teachings would have been discarded, if James had not been murdered, and Jerusalem destroyed. As it was, Paul's writings were the only existing documents after Jerusalem's fall, and all the later gospels included strong influence from his letters.

The rebellious attitude of Yeshua towards the Romans would not serve a new Roman religion, so it was removed, for practical reasons.

Comment Plenty. (Score 1) 1168

Pilate sent scores of insurgents to Golgatha every day. Tiberius recalled him to Rome for sending a phalanx to butcher several thousand Jews in a riot. A personal interview was thus extremely unlikely, and the "hand washing" just preposterous.

Try a basic test - who met Jesus first after the resurrection? Each gospel has a different answer. Unless you are extremely versed at doublethink, some of them have to be wrong.

Comment You are seriously telling me... (Score 1) 1168

...that the slaughter of Sepphoris would have no impact whatsoever on the childhood of Yeshua? That the wounded refugees sheltering in Nazereth would have no impact on him? That childhood memories of a Roman atrocity would have no lasting effect? That the PTSD his family likely suffered made no difference whatsoever?

You also mistake guile in talk of the occupation for peaceful intent - direct threats against the Romans was suicide. Did not Jesus say to sell your cloak and buy a sword? That he came to set 3 against 2, and 2 of 3, father against son, and mother daughter?

I'm not buying it. Reread all you like.

Comment Mark is the earlier, and more reliable gospel. (Score 1) 1168

It is supposedly written in crude Greek by a student of Paul.

Mark 11:27 clearly has Jesus in the temple with a crowd of his followers, delivering this statement in 12:13, in full view of the centurions of the Antonia fortress which the Romans had physically attached to the temple walls. In order to gain access to the Court of the Gentiles, Jesus would have walked beneath the Roman eagles that had been affixed to the entrances of the temple by Herod (crowned king of Judea by Rome).

The priestly vestments and tools were kept in the Antonia fortress, and given to the high priest only when required.

Rome owned Jerusalem and greater Judea, and expressed no hesitation in demonstrating this fact.

Also, bear in mind that Nazereth was a small town near the larger city of Sepphoris, where Jesus likely worked as a carpenter. Sepphoris was burned to the ground by the Romans in an earlier revolt.

It is highly unlikely that Jesus was ambivalent to the Roman occupation of Judea.

Comment Not so. (Score 4, Informative) 1168

I just finished Reza Aslan's "Jesus the Zealot," and much was said about the Roman occupation, and the Levite collaborators, even in the sanitized gospels that were whitewashed for a Roman audience.

"Give to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and give to God what is God's," is actually a direct challenge to throw the Romans out of Judea, a statement made within the Court of the Gentiles on the temple grounds. Tearing down and rebuilding the temple in three days, as a challenge to the high priest Caiaphas, also directly threatened the Roman order.

The Roman governors of Judea were alternately viciously efficient or incompetent, and a spirit of rebellion reached a crescendo after the crucifixion, when Judea was free from Roman rule for four years, then crushed by the armies of Vespasian and his son Titus, who utterly destroyed Jerusalem.

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