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Comment Re:That's absurd, aim your hate cannon elsewhere. (Score 3, Informative) 313

What Apple applications embed iAds?

Hint: none

When you pay for an Apple product they don't spy on you.

Nothing referenced in the github site shows otherwise as best as I can tell. Everything they've listed has logical reasons. For example, the email domain is sent to apple to see if Apple has the mail server info registered with them, in which case the server (at Apple) responds with all the setup info so you don't have to fill in host names, ports and server types, ect. It's a useful feature and part of the "it just works" magic.

Yes, they do offer a service to developers, but they don't use it themselves in any app I'm aware of.

Comment Re:Only usefull for wine? (Score 1) 55

If you're just starting and know nothing about 3d programming, glVertex is FINE.

By the time you get to the point where you know how to deal with, can make use of, and/or need to move away from the fixed function pipeline, you'll know glVertex is the more limited way to do it.

Yes, people who don't know any better may choose DirectX. Maybe. But only if they use Windows exclusively, and incase you haven't noticed, that is now a minority.

Comment OSX Slate S (Score 2) 252

Okay, so I don't know what they'd name it, but I would kill for a Surface Pro style device running OSX with a thunderbolt port on it.

Two separate modes of operation, iOS like modes for when I'm in tablet mode, OSX like mode when I'm attached to a real keyboard, pointing device and display.

I'd kill twice if they packed it into something the size of the iPhone6 or 6s.

I would easily pay $4k or more, probably even 5k if they could some how cram 8-16G of ram, 512GB of flash, a haswell chip for docked mode, an ARM for mobile mode into something the size of a iPhone 6s if it had a thunderbolt port and could fully mutate between the two modes, hell, it wouldn't need to share apps, just storage space so that native apps for each mode could access the same data.

I've been wanting this for several years and we're rapidly approaching the point of being able to do a full on developers level of CPU power/ram in a phone sized device. I'm seriously considering a surface pro for this reason but its just not quite there yet, its damned close. If Apple took the same hardware and released it with OSX, I'd buy it and accept the early adopter penalty of having to replace it in 2 years when they get it done right.

I don't want a macbook air, I want a surface pro running OSX in desktop mode, iOS in mobile mode and nothing more than a thunderbolt port for docking.

Apple, please take my freaking money and give me this.

Comment Re:Perfectly-timed? (Score 2) 252

The statement was that the Note 4 hasn't eclipsed the iPhone nor is it out selling it. That statement is true.

Samsung also sells microwaves and TVs, so that means they are outselling the iPhone as well, right? No, it doesn't, thats not what the discussion about. We're not talking about throw away free phones which is what samsung excels at.

The details about the Note 4 don't mean shit when the implementation on a whole is crap. Samsung is going to have to get away from Android and the fact that everything about it screams poor experience because its purpose is to basically steal information about the user to serve the user ads.

Theres a reason Samsung is considering dumping Android. Maybe then will they be able to produce a competing product.

You're one of those guys that thinks raw specs are all that matters for comparisons ... which is why we all drive race cars to and from work and the store.

Comment Browser Apps are NOT desktop apps (Score 3, Interesting) 195

Lets stop pretending they are anything close.

Google docs/sheets/whatever is a really crappy imitation of a full fledge office suite ... from 15-20 years ago. It doesn't even compare to Office 95 other than it has online sharing and collaboration, which is great, except thats a tiny subset of what its actually used for.

Just because you can make a half assed, no where near feature complete but looks pretty and does the first 3 things that come to mind look-a-like of an desktop app doesn't mean its a desktop replacement.

There are no desktop applications 'written entirely in javascript' unless you redefine what a desktop application is to fit a narrow subset of what everyone else does.

Learn to use the right tool for the job and stop thinking just because you can make something look-a-like and emulate a few basic functions that it is the same thing. A screwdriver can be used as a hammer, but it makes a shitty hammer. Google docs CAN be used in place of a full fledge office suite, but it makes a shitty office suite when you replace one entirely. Most geeks who use 'office suites' don't actually use office suites, they occasionally type a few pages into a word processor, sure but they don't do the same things as your full time paper pusher.

Comment Re:Don't trust any app these days (Score 0) 180

So, what perfect country are you living in that has no issues with its government?

I ask because looking at your nick, I'm guessing you're scandinavian ... and there isn't any country in that region that isn't pretty fucked up in the head at the moment though you like to pretend you aren't. Tell me which country you're acting like is so perfect and I'll provide you with a nice list of reasons its no better.

Actually understanding the world ... there isn't a country in Europe at the moment that you could possibly live in and have the ridiculous attitude you're carrying around with you.

You're just a loud mouthed moron too stupid to realize you live in a fucked up country as well. Just shut the fuck up and pull your head out of your ass, it already has enough hot air in it.

Comment Re:My personal experience (Score 1) 580

What they are looking for is trustworthiness.

Can they trust you?

EVERYONE has done something illegal, even my 17 month old son who pissed on the sidewalk one evening. What happened since then is more important in almost every case. I've got a criminal record, nothing spectacular, just kids doing things they shouldn't. I've gotten various levels of government clearance and been recleared multiple times because I've done full disclosure from the very start. I hide NOTHING and in multiple instances have been told that I actually told them about more than they found in their own searches (court cases/arrests).

Comment Re: Ok, but (Score 2) 580

If you're in America and an American citizen, and you say you smoked pot last week, you've most certainly broken the law. You could be arrested instantly. You've just confessed to a crime.

American law doesn't care if you were in another country where its legal to smoke pot when you did it last week, America still considers that to be an offense and you did break they law. We hold you not just to our own laws when you are hear, but also when you are else where, and you are also held to the laws of the country you are visiting.

If you weren't visiting another country, then you've simply broken federal and possibly state and local laws. Pot is illegal across the nation, state laws do not supersede federal law.

He doesn't need to search your car, you just confessed. If he's got a dash cam in his car or on his person, you've got no hope of lying your way out of it afterwords.

What the hell makes you think you've not broken any law? The cop doesn't have to see you do it for you to be breaking the law, its the act of doing it part that matters from a legal perspective. The getting part caught only matters from a getting punished perspective. Getting or not getting punished does not change your guilt in any way.

How the hell is your post insightful?

Comment Re:The Nobel Prize Committee blew it (Score 1) 276

Re: Obama

I don't think its fair to call him out for being involved in wars on its own. He is, by definition, employed to do so for the US government. Even he has stated that its a bit shocking for the president of a country involved in 2 wars at time to be the recipient.

If you want to call out the Nobel issue, do so because of the fact that he got it and had done nothing but been elected as the president of the US. The committee sited one of the primary reasons being his promotion of nuclear non-proliferation ... which is ironic, because what he really means is that he's fine with HIM having control of massive super weapons, but no one else should. Basically, let me be able to wipe out anyone else in the blink of an eye, but no way anyone else should have the same power as me. That is pretty much exactly the opposite of what I consider peaceful intentions.

The peace prize is a political tool, nothing more. Has been since its inception.

What you're really complaining about is that other prizes are becoming political tools rather than awards for achievement.

Comment Re:The Nobel Prize Committee blew it (Score 1) 276

... The sad part is that people still think the Nobel prizes are meaningful.

Let me preface what I say with: I don't know the physics involved, I'm just putting out thoughts for the sake of discussion. I think the inventor of the LED deserves respect just due to the way it has become embedded in everything we do even if it were a trivial thing to create. Maybe not a Nobel prize, but something appropriate to 'changing the way we view the world' which is what has happened here, with the help of many people.

However, for the sake of argument, the question becomes was inventing the visible light LED actually revolutionary or what it simply repurposing an existing principal in a minor way, and someone else is really the one who created the idea.

I know blue LEDs were considering 'unpossible' based on the original understanding of the physics involved, though I admit I don't know why. Are blue LEDs using some different method or are they a slight tweak on existing LED tech? Are the physics essentially the same? Or are we talking about the same sort of differences between an infrared LED and visible LED when we talk about going from a red LED to a blue LED?

Comment Re:Outrage (Score 5, Insightful) 60

Except that 'cloud' at Lockheed is entirely 'in house' and not accessible from the outside world at all. Its certainly not available on the Internet. Us old folks call it 'a file server on the internal network'. Of course, us old folks don't call things 'the cloud' either unless talking to people who don't understand networks, so for your case I'll use 'cloud'. Lets not forget that Lockheed is also the one who actually designed and built the thing, so they already have the data by definition.

Lockheed also doesn't want the data getting stolen, they are VERY motivated to protect it. They can't sell F-35s for a ridiculous price if anyone can make them for a lot less. The government doesn't want China getting F-35s, so they are both motivated to work together to make sure that doesn't happen.

Someone else, like Box, Dropbox, Google or Sharefile only have the interest of not getting some bad publicity. If the designs for the F-35 are stolen from one of those systems, at most they are out a single customer, Lockheed, but not enough of the rest of the world is going to give a shit and move as well ... ASSUMING Lockheed would. The sharing services don't care if China gets the plans to the F-35. Worst case, some rogue nation gets the plans, makes a bunch of military assets and then invades the US (I did say WORST case), the execs at the sharing service will have already sold some assets well in advance and moved somewhere they can watch the thing play out from relative safety.

There is practically no real motivation for file sharing services to put more than a basic effort into security other than small amounts of pride. Greed trumps pride.

You don't understand the outrage because you don't understand the pattern and you're simplifying it into something its not.

Of course, you're also just reading the slashdot headline and summary and not the actual article, which states that they are looking for ways to certify contractors to create and work on a DoD private cloud ... NOT outsourcing their data storage to someone else like Box or Sharefile. It'll be in a DoD owned and managed data center at some military installation.

So basically, not only do you not understand why slashdotters with a clue would be outraged, you don't understand what is actually being discussed, partially due to the ignorance of slashdot editors but mostly because you couldn't be bothered to read the story you're commenting on.

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