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Journal Journal: Sanders, AZ is hell on Earth 2

It is I say. I was locked out of my car. I went to the local auto shop across the street to see if they would be able to open my car. The bright orange letters proclaiming that they were open. Lies. I hate this goddamn town. The sign says, "Open 9am - 6pm"
Anyway, I meant to wake up early this morning to see if I could enroll in the morning calculas class. Yeah, that didn't happen. I was too tired and what not. Hmmm...apparently I still can after looking online. Yay.
I had a nice conversation with Mr. Lewis yesterday. That man is such a sweetheart.
In conclusion, I'd just like to reiterate, I hate this goddamn town.


Journal Journal: Early Hours = Before 10 am

The reason for that is because I am taking a Native American Studies course that starts at 9:55. And I have to commute from Sanders, AZ which is about a good 30 minute drive...when no one's around. Due to the I-40 fixer-upper, I get to take about 45-60 minutes to get here. Hence, waking up an hour early. Yuck. Oh well, I can handle it.
The reason behind the change is that I was taking a computer course that dealt with serious questions like, "How to use the Internet" and "How to use Microsoft Word." I dropped it after about 10 minutes of boredom. I was afraid of slipping into insanity.
Today we discussed Wal-Mart's discrimination against women in the employee group. It was an interesting discussion and I was ready to tear a lady's eyes out. She was talking about how she would prefer to keep her discount at the expense of employee equity. Unfortunately, there were too many witnesses and I managed to keep my cool asking questions about why she preferred that. Such as, "Would you really want your job to keep you down in the dumps with no recognition of your skills, have the male superior take credit all at the expense of a consumer wanting to keep their discount?" She stammered a no. I'm pleased for today. :-D


Journal Journal: Freddyvs.Jason AKA Failed Final Chapter of Nightmare series

I decided to come into Gallup early to catch a movie that my mother would not see with me. I decided to take my chances with the Freddy vs. Jason movie. I was curious to see who would win in the movie and was summing up the strengths in each character.
          Freddy - a dream (or nightmare). cannot be killed. many teenagers have failed at this in 9 movies.
          Jason - psychotic immortal human. has not been killed. many teenagers tried, came close, thought he was dead...then he comes back to life to kill the lot of them. Jason X was close, but those damn ants.
To be on the safe side, I placed my bets on Freddy. Due to the fact that he was a dream and managed to scare/kill the real life stars in The Final Nightmare. In any case, the Freddy vs. Jason was a failed attempt at making the final FINAL nightmare movie. The main character, a girl named Laurie was too much like the first nightmare movie. Many of the references within the movie went unnoticed. I suppose many of the audience members didn't follow with the nightmare series. All in all, it was a quite annoying movie. Though the fight scene between Freddy and Jason were quite interesting. I was rooting for Freddy and became sympathetically affected with Jason. In the end, they both lived. Boring, yes. Waste of money, not if you were curious and haven't seen a movie in a while.


Journal Journal: Ceremonial Times, yay...

I'm not sure if that is a sarcastic yay or not. I had some interesting encounters with tourists last night that made me want to shoot them and drag their bodies after the parade with my car. Unfortunately, I had no gun at the time, so that was pretty much impossible.
So anyway, I was standing in a place where I could see the parade at a close up, but I was in the way of the idiot children who kept scurrying in between my legs to go to their parents who they ran away from. So, I moved. Then some drunken fool, nudged me and told me to "move on, bro." So I elbowed the bastard and told him, "bro yourself!" Naturally he tumbled over and his druken compadre stumbled behind him. Then I moved to a place where I could see and I was stuck in a crowd of white people. So I was standing there enjoying myself, when they decided to start commenting on the performances that were going on within the parade. This lady in front of me...she seemed intelligent, I was wrong. She says, "You know, I only come to see the Aztecs. It's nice to see something different from the other groups doing the same thing." I stood there wanting to uppercut her square on her nose and leave her for dead. Then this other lady says, "Oh really? Are all the Indians really the same?" Then this old man, "Look, her comes the devil dancers!! Look kid's name, aren't you scared?" So I left gently requesting people to move for I was going to look for a gun.
sighs...don't you love ceremonial time at Gallup, NM?


Journal Journal: Dean beginning his run for candidacy, the Republicans insult

I was reading the news articles on MSN today to try to stifle my anger that has been practically on the verge of erupting. My head is like that damn Mt. Vesusius, smoking from the ears and just waiting for the right moment when no one is expecting it. In my previous entry, I was speaking of the new superintendent and how she was a perfect example of a raving psychotic with issues that have not been dealt with in the most healthy fashion. In any case, I found her navy blue Chevy Tahoe today. I was at the personnel office getting document for my mother when I came upon this un-marked school vehicle. This woman uses this car for personal uses as well. In any case, I was tempted to run into the superintendent's office and wring her neck until the Navajo (that was left) choked out of her and leave her for dead. Unfortunately, I remembered that the office has glass doors, and there would be too many witnesses who would want to keep their jobs rather than thanking me for doing them a favor.
In any case, I was reading this article about the Howard Dean running for Democractic approval for the Presidental Candidacy. I was so happy about what he had to say and I submitted a question about education to him. I pray that I get that answered and then I'll see if I plan on becoming a "Deany-bopper." Wonderful day coming to a close.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: So why am I the one who feels guilty?

Something is amiss here I tell you. Last night a friend used me as his personal voodoo doll by taking out his anger on me that was meant to be directed to someone else. Now...he writes me this long ass email about how and why he was acting like that.
My auto-response to him last night was somewhere along the lines of fuck it, you're being an ass and I don't want to talk to you. So why do I feel guilty?
I think I figured it out when I thought that maybe I felt partially responsible for his self-nullifying behavior, even if I had no participation in it what so ever. I think I am just being too damn concerned about something that can't even be helped. Oh well...
Exuuuuse me for being concerned and nice.


Journal Journal: Dazed & Confused

So I'm sitting here watching the box and there was this commercial that came on advertising phone sex. That is a concept I don't understand, but that is beside the point. There was this same girl who was advertising with a different company. Now I'm telling you....there is something rotten in California.
I miss art museums...damnnit. That was one thing that I never enjoyed about him. He didn't exactly share the same interest in art that I did. Oh well...

User Journal

Journal Journal: I'm too goddamn nice...

That was interesthing thing that happened. I was sitting here bitching to a friend about how it was nice to be placed at the bottom of a short list of people to turn to and the fact that this bitch who hurt him before has a higher place than I do. Need I mention that he still hates her? Fuck it.
Anyway...I was sitting here watching this credibal one hit wonders on MTV2 and Len came on. You know that "Steal My Sunshine" song? I was just remembering when we were working on the play my sophomore year and we did A Midsummers Night's Dream. I have to admit, that was the best damn play we did. It was too bad that so many people didn't get to see it. It was freaking great! Anyway, I was remembering this chick who practically hooked up with every guy in B-Dorm. I started remembering Mig saying that he used to like that song, until Sunshine came around. Lol...and his cousin was like, "oh yeah..."
I swear...ha ha ha ha! See! see!! See what trouble easiness comes with??!! ROFL...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bond Girl Names

I went to this website to get my Bond girl name. The first one was interesting... Connie Tsosie = Asia Rumbenstuff
Concetta Tsosie resulted in Sky Bodaysha. I'll stick with the second one. But with my livejournal name, it resulted in Sky Nightlong. HA ha ha ha!
And when I was at wal-mart, I saw the coolest to that folding ruler a mini water dispenser. Neato!!
User Journal

Journal Journal: trout & govt. regulations

I went to the most lovely restaurant today. It was a Greek restaurant called Olympic Kitchen. I had almondized trout with rice, and it would have been lovely with a glass of wine. Unfortunately, they do not trust people under the age of 21. Damn government.
It was a lovely restaurant with Frank Sinatra on the air waves. I had a most pleasing meal.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Boredom gets the best of you

1 you could build a house any where, where would it be?
Deep in the forest where there is a little light shining through the trees with a lake right in front of my house. Kind of like where Grandpa's land is...but with a lake.

2 what favorite article of clothing?
Why does this have to be so hard...well, if I could wear it out, I would say my cow pj pants with my big 3vil l33t shirt. But noo...stupid society standards. I would have to say my converse shoes and black pants. they have served me well.

3 what's the last cd you bought ?
Damn good question...I think the Swordfish soundtrack & Zwan.

4 where is your favorite place to be?
IN BED, when I'm allowed to sleep. Buried underneath all my covers. But sadly no, I would have to say in the living room on my spot on the couch...buried underneath all my blankets.

5 where is your least favorite place to be?
Class, or in the middle of a hurricane or tornado. You just never know just never know. But realistically speaking, I would have to say Phoenix, AZ. Too damn hot.

6 what's your favorite place to be massaged?
I don't like to be's that for an answer? But if I need it, I would say my shoulders. Mike, you are such a pervert.

7 what time do you wake up in the mornings?
Just in time to watch Saved by the Bell & Jerry Springer.

8 what is your favorite kitchen appliance?
Can't go wrong with the frig.

9 What makes you really angry?
Lots of things, but on the top of my list would be liars, people who pretend to know what they're talking about when all they do is just babble on about nothing, people who hide behind women & children to save their sorry asses, and idiots who try to talk to me.

10 if you could play any instrument, what would it be ?
I would like to be better at the piano, but I would have to say a guitar.

11 favorite color?
Why is it always ONE favorite color? I would say Black, purple, blue, and lime green.

12 what do you prefer, sports car or suv?
Sports car, I feel the need, the need for speed. :-D

13 believe in after life?
Yup, keeps me from going nuts about whether or not we just die and that's it.

14 favorite childrens book?
It was some book about a kitty....I dont' remember what it was called. In any case, that's childhood. Favorite Children's Book, can't go wrong with Harry Potter.

15 what is your favorite season?
Winter, snow snow snow snow!! Need I say more?

16 what is your least favorite house hold chore?
Washing dishes.

17 if you could have one super power
I would fly. I get everywhere faster without having to deal with idiotic drivers.

18 If you have a tatoo, what is it?
I don't have any...yet.

19 can you juggle?
Does two items count? :-D

20 .one person from your past, you wish you could go back and talk to.
My past? My past? Can this past include reading lists? Neitzche or Sylvia Plath.

21 what is your favorite day?
Thursday, when classes end.

22 what's in the trunk of your car?
If I had a car, it would be empty..or my latest dead body. I'm just kidding.

23 which do you prefer sushi or hamburger?
SUSHI SUSHI SUSHI!! Save the cows?

24 of the people you mail this to who is most likely to respond?
Depends on who's closer to the internety.

25 who is least likely to respond ?
Let's try never going to respond: Lance, he get's bored of these things easily.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and ...?

And then some.
so i had a very nice and interesting talk with mr. lewis today. he had a suit ond i nearly died of shock. i've never seen him with a suit on...with the exception of prom. it was nice to talk with him and for some strange reason, i had a renewed sense of something. i can't explain it, but i do feel a lot better. that and i have a bit of sopia's hair on my sweater. crazy dog, i'm surprised she's still alive.
i have developed a new disliking toward padua. he makes me mad and there is no point in trying to talk sense into him anymore. i'm just waiting until he hurts himself in his "dangerous liasians" adventures.
sitting in econ, panicking about finals coming around, and i have a lot of phone calls to make still about my SAT/ACT scores, dates, and transcripts. I pray that NAU still has room.
And Austin, you have nothing to worry about while you are at Georgetown. I'm here, far away, but I'm still here. And I know plenty of people who are going to be more than willing to help you. Just one word of advice, stay away from that accursed CMEA office.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Conferences & fear considerations

it's real early morning
no-one is awake
I'm back at my cliff
still throwing things off
I listen to the sound they make
on their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
I imagine what my body would sound like
against those rocks
and when it lands
will my eyes
be closed or open?

I wonder what the conversation with Mr. Lewis has to hold. Probably some yelling and or little whisps of comical disappointment. I can figure that much out. Other than that, I'm sure this visit is not just to have an exchange of pleasantries. Yes, I am paranoid. Thank you.
In any case, I was talking with my cousin earlier and it turns out that she is going to Tucson also to take classes at the University of Arizona. I'm happy that she is able to considering it would be a damn near miracle for them to consider admitting me into their establishment. I recieved a phone call from Joshua Padua yesterday. It was nice to talk to him and that bastard had the audacity to say, "And here we thought that you were going to be the most successful person to graduate from NAPS." After holding back my anger and .38 with hollow point bullets, I told him to shut up and that I was going to be successful, I just hit a minor drawback. So you can imagine what I have planned for him in case I get to take over the world. He's going to be tortured.

But on the brite side, I got a free ice tea from the machine. Thank made my day much better. :-D

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Journal Journal: I go through all this...

Ha ha! This makes my like....4th journal online. Batconnie here, and yeah. I was at GU, now I'm in Tucson. Hopefully, my cuz and I will be living in an apt. and both be going to school. It will be nice to be where the weather is a permenant 75+ degrees, even during the winter.
But oh well...more later. I have to enter my entry for today later on.

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UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. -- Doug Gwyn
