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Comment Re:Gots to find more ways to avoid taxes (Score 1) 533

How about "if the cops aren't working, lets reform them instead of getting rid of them." Yes, our government is out of control. liberal and conservative both agree on this. Conservatives just seem to have this idea that pruning it down will magically solve all the corruption and chicanery going on. It won't. Us liberals want to make government work for US again. What's so wrong with that idea, at it's heart?

You should listen to what liberals actually say instead of what the right tells you they say.

I'd also listen to conservatives more if they actually went out and protested the bank bailouts... they griped, but never seemed to actually manage to try to do anything about it. Oh, but social safety nets? Those have to be cut right away, lets protest!

Comment withdrawing from a bank (Score 1) 533

I don't "bank" with any banks... I bank with a credit union, for that express reason. How about you?

There are people who refuse to pay a portion of their taxes because it goes to war funds, and they think that's murder, and is against their deeply held religious beliefs. These actual real Christians are called Quakers, and no one pays attention to them, which is a shame. I also know a guy that hates what the US government does, so he purposely doesn't make any money so he doesn't have to pay taxes. He's a neat guy..... but these are anecdotes, not the average.

People who don't want to pay taxes, who rail against government, usually take for granted all that they get from living in a civil society. You drove to work on public roads. Your kids go to public school, your electricity works, your sewer works, your water flows when you turn the tap on. You are protected by police and fire departments. The businesses around you couldn't operate without courts and uniform laws. If you want an example of small government and freedom, go see Somolia. See how well that turns out.... They're super free to do whatever the local warlord tells them to do.

Comment Re:Gots to find more ways to avoid taxes (Score 3, Insightful) 533

The free market is imaginary. Show me one. Anywhere on earth. Anywhere. Find me a free market, a market unfiddled by a large organization (government or private, doesn't matter).

The free market is like a frictionless wheel. It's useful to explain some concepts, but it's NOT REAL.

No, the government cannot come bulldoze your house on a whim. Calm down. It COULD use emminent domain, possibly... But then, the bank could decide to mess up some paperwork and forclose on your house despite your ability to pay. Frankly, both of these have happened. They're also RARE AS SHIT and cause a shit storm in the news when they DO happen.

Power is always going to exist. I can run a campaign against my government. I can do lots of things to stop my governemnt. I can't do shit against a bank except ask politely.....

And Seriously? The US Armed forces? Stop hyperbolizing... Both the bank and the governemnt will just call the cops. You're not cool enough to call in the military.

Comment Re:Gots to find more ways to avoid taxes (Score 2) 533


1. What is up with all y'all and "socialism"? No one's asking for socialism. No one's handing out socialism. There's no F'in socialism! !@#$

2. We're a mixed economy. Seriously. Everyone needs to look these terms up in a dictionary. Everyone. Go look up Socialism and Mixed Economy.

Comment Re:How do you solve a problem that doesn't exist? (Score 1) 385

1. Data Adjustments. Look at your own link. Look at the graphs. If NOAA is adjusting a data point DOWNWARD by .13degrees Fahrenheit... I... This does not point to massive falsification. You often have to adjust data due to instrument drift. One point does not make a trend. Neither does two, not in that many data points. History is NOT constantly being revised....

2. I really don't care about your last 18 year thing. Lots of data sets show a flat in the last decade (within a HUGE upwards trend over the last 100ish years). You can't cherry pick a decade within a century and call it the norm.

3. I'll look at this. He seems to be published, and have some decent scientific chops. Alas, some of the first google hits on him come up with how he's ... wrong.,, and it even looks like the site you linked to had some questions about his predictions... At a cursory glance, it looks like he's working qualitatively instead of quantitatively, and it looks like he's pretty much just cutting and pasting old data into new data and calling it a prediction... ? So, basically, No, he's not more accurate. He's wrong. He's also a geologist, which is like asking my electrician to fix my plumbing.... Anyway.

You're wrong. It took me 5 minutes to look at your data and find it to be, not just holey, but flat out wrong.

Comment Re: How do you solve a problem that doesn't exist? (Score 1) 385

Yeah. Relativity is just a Theory guys.... There's still debate! I know this guy, who knows a guy, who totally says it's not legit. Why haven't we heard from him! There's a conspiracy! Just because he's not a fancy "scientist". Because he's not an "expert" in their Ivory Tower. We should teach the controversy man.....

Science grows. We continue to discover new principles about the way the universe works, and new nuances every day.... but yes, some science is settled. We can predict what happens when we put two chemicals together. We can predict what will happen if we put two bodies next to each other in a frictionless environment. We know how a LOT of things work, and just because we're still discovering how things work, doesn't mean that many basic principles are not agreed on.

Comment Re:How do you solve a problem that doesn't exist? (Score 1) 385

There IS no debate. No one is name calling, but I can start if you'd like. Please show me these faked studies. Please show me this manipulated data. Please. Where is it?

There are links in THIS discussion where you can go play with the raw data sets.... Perhaps you should?

Comment Re:Wait until those lamers find out... (Score 1) 385

I go up on my roof and clean off the panels twice a year with the hose. What's the problem again? Space? On my ROOF? Cleaning? With the HOSE?

Every system needs maintenance. Hosing down solar panels is probably a LOT easier than shipping off nuclear waste or doing the maintenance on the scrubbers for a coal power plant.

Comment Re: How about (Score 1) 385

For anyone who would like to see an ACTUAL progressive utopia, written by a dirty hippy, take a look at the book Ecotopia ( I'll say that it bears a striking resemblance to a libertarian ideal, but then, we have a lot in common. Please note that the book was written a while ago. Some of the tech presented in the book is a bit silly from today's standards, but oh well. It's still an awesome book, and I'd live there in a heartbeat.

As for Smitty's little corporate dependency progressive utopia dig? Whatever man. You and I both know that's so backwards as to be hilariously ludicrous.

Comment Re:How about (Score 1) 385

You say that like it's true. You could go to that word for trees site listed and play with the raw data yourself. You can play with several statistical tools to smooth out the data. You could look yourself... Or, you know, continue in your beliefes despite the evidence presented.... If you don't trust that site, the data is on Wolfram Alpha, or lots of other sites. RAW data, not put through any statistical tools...

You've never TOUCHED the data, or even LOOKED at any of the models you're griping about. I have. They're really not that far off, especially for something as complex as our global climate. There are a LOT of things to take account of. Can they predict tomorrow's weather? No! That's not what they're for. For predicting a global temperature inside a time range for which we have reliable data to check their accuracy, then yeah, they're pretty alright.


Comment Re:How about (Score 1) 385

Your own citation says you're wrong. That's gotta hurt....

That's a neat little tool, but... I'm sorry, we ARE warming. Ah, yes, technically you said we haven't been warming for the last 18 years. That's wrong too, but I see how you might have thought that, sort of, if you look at the RIGHT data sets presented and squint a little bit... the last decade looks flat. You know, just ignore the obvious updward trend that seems to start shortly after the industrial revolution and really takes off after we invented the means to fixate nitrogen and started fertilizing crops (and hence having lots more babies).

Try using the linear tool presented on your own 18 year span... on multiple data sets.

Weird, those are going up too. That means you're so wrong, as to be wrongy wrong. Massively wrongy wrong, as per YOUR OWN CITATION.

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