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Comment Re:Open source shovels and hoes (Score 1) 136

Ah. I see. Wwwwoooosh! Yes. I mispoke. ha!

Well, let it not be said that I don't acknowledge my own stupid mistakes.

Roundup is an Herbicide, which yes, kills plants, not insects. Farmers spray it on their fields so only the plant they want grows, and not all the weeds (which would probably provide cover for the ground and help reduce evaporation, but oh well.)

Despite my Tongue Twisting Error, the stupid WEEDS are becoming resistant to Roundup, because evolution.

We have a similar issue with INSECTS becoming resistant to PESTICIDES.

Both of these scenarios leave us with farmers who can't reuse seed, have to buy expensive seed, and now that the weeds and insects are growing resistant, the expensive chemicals they bought don't work there either. Then there's the environmental effects of spraying herbicide and pesticide all over, which usually runs off into your drinking water, etc.

Sorry I misspoke. My Apologies. Despite my very stupid brain fart, what I am saying is still accurate.

Comment Re:Open source shovels and hoes (Score 1) 136

Citation? Do a google search for "Get a brain morans". :D

Ah, sorry. You're right. We're just way more educated by Liberal Training Camps, I mean universities. Where we learn stuff. Everyone is welcome, but oddly enough learning stuff seems to turn people Liberal. It's really weird.

OK... I'm being an ass. Everyone? I'm sorry. Not sorry enough to NOT push the button, but... Sorry. So much vitriol on Slashdot lately.....

Comment Re:Shame this happened (Score 1) 136

Uh, Linux IS awesome.
MS is a convicted monopolist. Yes, they're evil. Oh, apple gets plenty of hate, I don't know where you got that?
I would LOVE for you to prove global warming false. Please do. And, yes, it IS science.
Electric cars ARE awesome, but no, we don't want to fuck Elon Musk. He is pretty awesome for what he's done though and deserves accolades.
NASA gets about 0.5% of the federal budget. Yes. I think we all think they should get more.
OSS software is pretty awesome sometimes, for obvious reasons.

So... why the !@#$ are you on Slashdot, News for Nerds? Cultural Groups tend to think alike. Film at Eleven...

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 348

Yeah. We never have factual content. Heh. Lets be clear here. McCain wasn't born in the US. No one was clamoring for his birth certificate. So, yes, you're all racists. Racist is as racist does, and the first black president we ever got had rumors spread about him being a muslim, traitor, foreign born, socialist, muslim again.... We've never had this much vitriol over a candidate.

So, yes, you're racist. Oh, we're racists too in many ways, and we all need to work on it. But... You guys take the cake. As long as it's not chocolate. :D

Comment Re:So what? (Score 3, Informative) 348

Sigh. The Fuck'in hockey stick is accurate, and you can see the data he used with a simple search on Wolfram Alpha. It doesn't even take that much effort to look for yourself.

You can see what is projection and what is actual data. You can see the names of all the different data sets. You can do research on them to figure out if they're accurate or not. It's not even hard. But... You keep believ'in that it's all a hoax by scientists for that big flush grant money.....

Comment Re:In Communist America (Score 3, Insightful) 169

This IS the exception, not the rule. We ARE more free than Russia. Comparisons can be made, and we're on a slippery slope, but lets be a little more realistic here. If I write a scathing article about my local mayor, I won't get killed in a dark alley. I'm in Portland. Scathing articles about Sam Adams were a party trick for a little bit. Poor bastard.

Comment Re:Open source shovels and hoes (Score 2) 136

Hey, your snark totally helps us feed the world. Thanks.

I'm guessing you don't know squat about this. Yes, those seeds are developed to oh say, be resistant to Roundup herbacide. Funnily enough after a few generations of insects, so are the insects, and now the farmers are stuck with expensive patented seeds AND a giant herbacide bill, AND it doesn't work anyway because the insects evolved.

It's a real problem. Liberals DO care about it, because we're fucking smarter than you are, and we care more about the world and each other. :D

P.S. Farmers can be liberals too. These days, Liberal is just a word for someone who gives a shit and wants to fix it.

Comment Uhm... Heirloom seeds? (Score 2) 136

We already have Heirloom seeds. We already have a lot of people dedicated to preserving heirloom seeds. I get what they're trying to do, but naturally occuring expressions shouldn't be patentable anyway. If they're tweaking the seeds and THEN open sourcing them, well, good on them. But they're just breeding them... I'm annoyed this needs to be done, but glad they're doing it.

Frankly, seeds should be harvested from a region, and kept in a region. Let evolution do the work of keeping them healthy in a particular environment.

Comment Re:Back to One Man, One Vote (Score 1) 818

I think you missed the point of every progressive out there. First, corporate personhood has nothing to do with the ability to sue a corporation. A corporation is formed to shield the people IN a corporation from liability. You sueing a corporation is the exact POINT. You don't sue the employee, you sue the corp as a fictional legal entity.

The point progressives are making is that fictional legal entities aren't real people, and hence shouldn't have rights to free speech, and hence rights to throw money at our electoral process.

Whenever I see an Anonymous Coward making an obviously wrong point against progressives, I always wonder if it's an example of cointelpro. :D

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