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Comment Re:10-fold increase? (Score 1) 161

You have simply moved the combustion for energy from your engine to the power plant down the street.
That's already a big deal. The plant down the street is way more efficient than a car.
The only true answer to our car emissions problem is hydrogen fuel.
Ah, yes, because generating/storing hydrogen is soooo efficient.

Comment Re:It's all about entropy (Score 3, Informative) 467

I suggest you read up on cryptography.
Encryption, in general, is attempting exactly what you're attempting: make plaintext look random.
What you're trying to defend against is known as a "known-plaintext attack".
You can use any standard cryptographic approach such as AES-CBC as suggested above.
For a password-based approach, there are also standard key generation algorithms such as PKCS #5.
Note that your claim that your approach gives "as random as it gets" data is not true; once you've fixed for all time a set of random numbers, they're no longer "random".
As for generating random-like numbers deterministically, that's what stream ciphers (e.g. RC4) do.

Comment Re:what about a weird-arch linux? (Score 1) 227

Well, POSIX requires CHAR_BIT to be 8, so if you change that it's normal if it breaks.
But otherwise to test portability this seems interesting, although it would be most interesting if it could detect when something isn't done right.
Most importantly though, you'd need a compiler to target this architecture.
For instance, NULL being 0 is usually not part of the computer architecture itself; 0 is addressable on x86, causing this bug:

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