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Journal Journal: Our culture is fading... 3

This is some really scary shit. The part about the visas is pretty fucked up too. They want to ship their brown brothers over here, so that they can ship money back. Those dirty little bastards suck ass.

Journal Journal: Dead nigger child. 23

I originally read this story and just thought they were some typical religious whackos. Then, I looked at CNN's writeup. As you can see, the fucking kid was a nigger (hell, he was a fucked up nigger). Also, if you read the quotes from the church members, it's clear how fucking dumb they are (in ca

Journal Journal: Reject this, you ignorant slut. 10

Time to get another story submission rejected. Admittedly, it's nothing that special, just a quick summary of what's going on today. But, everyone loves stories about the nasty media conglomerates, so I figured I'd submit it.
The Courts

Journal Journal: No justice for whites. 4

If you're white, you can be retried over and over, until you get convicted. Niggers can kill cops and go free (even when they're convicted, they aren't that severely punished). But, if a cop so much as pushes a nigger, that cop MUST be found guilty of assault (lest there be rioting).
It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: A fine example.

This is what came from emancipating the porch monkeys. The fuckers should never ever be allowed to run a country, they always fuck them up. Oh, well, niggers killing each other amuses the shit out of me...

Journal Journal: Niggers suck. 7

Honestly, I really don't understand why some people get all upset over racial slurs. Everyone knows the dirty skins are inferior, what's wrong with saying it out loud? If we don't talk about it, will the problem go away? That's fucked up jew-logic.

Journal Journal: That other University of Michigan lawsuit. 3

I sent this in as a story for the main page... I doubt it'll get there though. They couldn't stand to have my name on the front page. Anyway, this is another important legal decision (no less important that telling the RIAA to go fuck itself). And, like many intellectual property cases, we all just got screwed.
The Media

Journal Journal: If all races were equal... 15

You can tell the difference between races (except for some mudbabies and their ilk) with a simple visual inspection. How the fuck can anyone try to pretend that we're all the same when we have such obvious differences?

Journal Journal: What qualifies as flamebait? 4

How is this flamebait?

Sure, it's not very well written (I didn't proofread it). But, it's more-or-less correct and informative/educational. Up until 14-16 hours after it was posted, it only got moderated as "Informative" and "Underrated". Then, all of a sudden, it got modded as "Flamebait". What the fuck caused that?
User Journal

Journal Journal: What's wrong with racism? 10

Why do people have a problem with judging someone by their race? It doesn't make sense. You can judge people by their friendliness, intelligence, strength, attractiveness, but not their race. That's just fucking stupid.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Update.

Just so you know... I still hate niggers!
User Journal

Journal Journal: Dumbasses.

While I am certainly justified in my way of thinking (kill all niggers!!!), and it is very easy to defend this position, I have found debating with assholes to quickly become a waste of time.

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