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User Journal

Journal Journal: Ella the Cat 3

Ella the Cat died today aged 17.5 or about 86 in cat years, but at least she went quickly in someone's arms of natural causes rather than having to be put to sleep. So I won't be posting here anymore using her account, which, I'm pleased to say, I got to excellent karma without cheating. The website will be going soon, so if you want any Aibo pictures, grab them while you can.

Comment Re:A day without MP3? (Score 1) 204

Hmmm. Broadcast royalties? If things have become that silly, then I'd argue that anyone listening to my music sent over my WEP secured 802.11b link is circumventing the copy protection and violating the DMCA or suchlike. If it doesn't matter legally whether or not copy protection or security works as advertised or is imperfect or is bypassable by trivial means, then the law cuts both ways and I can use the DMCA to argue I'm not broadcasting because I have put in place measures to stop unuthorised reception. Yep, IANAL!

Comment Gnutella (Score 0) 668

<a href=" 0000">Nullsoft has an article</a> that says Gnutella and other such networks are now <b>legal</b>. So once KaZaA <i>finally</i> gets the axe, we can all migrate to Gnutella and like ourselves all the better for it!
User Journal

Journal Journal: A


User Journal

Journal Journal: Karma Again 1

Bleh its not fair! When will I get my fucking Karma back?!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Karma

Wonder when my Karma will get better...are they even seeing my posts?

User Journal

Journal Journal: CrimethInc.TK

Yeah so I just got done with a huge update to .. huge..

Fuck the standard loving W3C, seriously though, fuck them straight to the non-existent hell.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Dad, Wtf?

Dad just called. Now I'm really fuckin confused. I think he was nervous or something. Very nervous. He wants to "talk" on saturday after I get back from fixing all those damn ibooks and getting the scanner to work. It's wierd. I don't know what's gonna happen. He's probably still the same caliber of fascist that he was before..just playing a new game..


Journal Journal: Laptop

Holy shit, it's been a long fuckin time since I entered into this journal. I've been so busy with that I havent even had much time for /. add to that that I've been coding wicked hard to my new trance soundtrack and stuff.

Yeah I found a new approach to females, I'm gonna go up to this tonya girl and just start makin out with her, and then pray for sex. Even though there is no god.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Fuck

I'm still not a communist. Even after a day of him trying to convince me. I'm not a communist. I have not abandoned anarchism, he was taking advantage of me. But I know that authority and hierarchy are the problems. Not everything is based on economic relations!

So she wants Robbie, or she thinks she does. He will use her and then he'll be done with her. Whatever.

I want to get into a fight.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Wierd Day

My second cousin killed a man today. Yep thats right. A man's life was ended today with my second cousin involved in it. Did he do this intentionally? No. Was it his fault? No. The man that died pulled out into the middle of the road while my second cousin was too close to stop. My second cousin's rig smashed right through the tiny car, killing the driver and the dog occupants. The man was 71 and I don't know how to feel right now. I feel no guilt or shame. I feel no sadness or even relief. H

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