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Comment Re:Where do I sign up? (Score 3, Insightful) 327

you like a military that will defend you? Yes. I'm tired of nation building nations that don't want it. Bomb them back into the 4th Century where they belong, and leave.

you like clearn water and air? Yes. I'm tired of being told that I should cut my CO2 usage by people flying around in Jet, traveling in SUV motorcades and living in 10000ft2 mansions.

you like a social safety net that keeps the weakest from falling too far? Yes. But I'm tired of people gaming the system and making me pay for it. Safety Net is not permanent solution.

you like a postal system? Not really. It is becoming more obsolete every day. I currently get three or four legit pieces of mail a week, and most of those could be Electronic instead.

you like you drivable roads? Yes. Many of the roads I travel are becoming less so, as government redirects fuel and vehicle taxes to pay for the "safety net" mentioned earlier.

you like food safety inspections and standards? Yes. And for the most part, the FDA has done an average to below average job.

you like fireman to save your house, and police to catch bad guys? Yes. I don't have much complaint about Fire, but Police are pretty bad these days. And I wish they would actually lock up criminals rather than spending time on victimless crimes.

Finally, all taxes are regressive. YES people should pay taxes, but only voluntarily. BY Voluntarily, I mean by using products or services that are NOT required for living. Taxing Income is nothing short of indentured servitude of the masses, and is evil. And nothing you can say will change my view of it.

Comment Re:Where do I sign up? (Score -1, Flamebait) 327

No. Instead, have people filling positions waiting for the right kind of political ally to become president, then target his enemies, while trying to obscure the crime(s) (fake "hard drive crashes), and when caught, declare the 5th and retire with full benefits, while the political ally declares "not a smidgeon of evidence" of wrong doing.

Does that sound about right?

Comment Re:Are You Kidding? (Score 2, Interesting) 541

And all of this would go away if we mentioned that "ability" doesn't mean "rights". The ability to do something does not (or at least, should not) imbue more or less "rights". The problem, with typical PC thinking, is that modern liberalism equates equal outcome with equal rights. Outcomes are both ability (talent, skill) and effort (practice, dedication), but rights are self evident, and do not rely upon either.

I don't have a problem with people having different abilities/skills based on inherited traits. And inherited traits are NOT racist if they primarily fall along skin color or ethnic lines.

Comment It's all about the costs (Score 1) 120

Automobile companies make a large number of vehicles - both GM and Toyota make around 10 million per year. Saving just one dollar on each vehicle adds millions to the company profits.

Something as simple as the extra wiring to create multiple data busses in the vehicle could add a couple of dollars to the vehicle cost. The auto makers will not do it unless it is mandated (either by law or their legal department fearing lawsuits) or they see some sort of a competitive advantage (somewhat unlikely) or there's a PR disaster.

Comment Re:False. (Score 1) 52

nVidia makes the chips and very recently a couple of reference designs and retail tablets. They don't make the OS and other software.

As you pointed out, Google (not nVidia) removed support for CL rendering to push their own product. I'm sure nVidia was unhappy about that as it removed one of their competitive advantages.

With the Tegra K1, nVidia is pointing out (quite rightly) that their hardware supports a bunch of new things. nVidia's literature describes the Jetson-TK1 as a development kit, not a product. It is made available so that people can write software that supports the features in the hardware

I completely fail to see where nVidia has been dishonest in this.

Comment Re:People steal WIRE (Score 1) 102

If you have known neither "Insulin" nor "BMW", then you cannot miss either. You cannot "miss" something you never had. WE can look in from the outside and pass all sorts of judgements about people, but that doesn't mean anything other that we (outsiders) are showing our own myopic view of the world.

In the deepest part of the Amazon, where people have lived quite simply for thousands and thousands of years, and we say they live in poverty, is extremely elitist. We are actually guilty of placing our value system (money) on them, when they do not have even the faintest concept of that. The moment you bring in something they haven't had before, you create the very thing you despise ... envy.

Of course it is easy to sit in ivory towers looking down at all the idiots of the world, and judge them on their ignorance.

Comment Re:Be glad (Score 0) 58

The problem isn't the Terrorists. It i the people who do not want to look like terrorists when they are fighting terrorists. And there in lies the problem. To combat evil, you must also take on the appearances of evil. To stop people from killing you, you must sometimes kill them. And the stupid people of the world cannot tell the difference between good people acting on self preservation from evil people acting on their own view of self preservation.

So, the issue is with good people who just want to be left alone, they must be pushed to the point violating their own normal sensibilities. And it is usually too late when that happens.

Specifically on your comments, you are pointing to the symptoms, not the problems. The only way to defeat Radical Islam, is for "peaceful" Islam to defeat it, radically (violently). At which point, it looks exactly like what it is trying to defeat. If every time a radical cries out in a Mosque "Kill the Infidels" the congregation took up stones and stoned them to death, you'd see the end of Radical Islam in very short order. Silence is consent.

Comment Re:That's a garbage lawsuit (Score 2) 286

What you're describing is what TV sets already do to display interlaced video. The reason why "1080p!" is an advertising point is because 1080i, even after interpolation, is inferior; that's why they weren't using that less-deceptive description to begin with.

I mean if you don't like the product you can return it.

If they don't like being sued for fraud they can stop committing fraud.

Comment Re:Most of us have some weakness (Score 1) 267

Neat test. I worked hard on it but only managed a Total Error Score of 236.

I already knew I was color vision challenged. My mother became suspicious when I was playing with crayons and I colored a fire engine green and the grass brown. That's why my wife picks the colors for my clothes and sorts my socks so I don't accidentally wear a non-matching pair - which has happened a few times.

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