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Comment Re:Submarine versus Viking longship (Score 2) 52

And I could see a longship having a piece break off after getting shot at and having that debris end up in just the right spot to clog the subs engines or torpedo bays or something like that. Sure it's statistically unlikely, and probably not even a 1/1000 chance of actually happening, but for the sake of game play I can accept it.

At that point you're better off imagining the sub had a critical weapons malfunction and blew itself up so the longship wins on walkover. Or that the warrior sneaked into the riflemen's camp and poisoned their water supply.

Comment Re: Foxconn Factories' Future: Fewer Humans, More (Score 1) 187

Weren't people saying the same sort of things when the "assembly line" was first invented? After all, the main purpose of the "assembly line" was to make the same amount of stuff with fa fewer workers than had been needed previously.

Well first off you're not looking back far enough, during the first industrial revolution there was massive unemployment as machines replace skilled artisans and craftsmen with cheap, expendable factory workers that could receive minimal training in their one task on the line. The assembly line actually comes very late in a mostly industrialized society already and an old fashioned manual assembly line still employs a considerable number of people. And Ford famously doubled wages to get retention up, because the assembly line work was actually getting complex and needed trained workers.

This time we're not just dividing and rearranging the way workers produce their product, we're cutting the humans entirely out of the equation except for meta-roles like designers, developers and repairmen. For example take the banking industry, it used to be huge with branch offices all over the place. ATMs were the first blow, now online banking has reduced it down to next to nothing. I just checked the figures on one bank I know, 250 FTEs (full-time equivalents) supporting 380,000 customers.

Think about it, in how many service industries is the human staff actually a service? When I go to the grocery store, what I want are the groceries. I don't care if robots automate the whole shop if they keep delivering the same service and quality. When it comes to water/sewage/electricity/internet etc. I'd rather not deal with them at all, I pay a bill and it works. If a lot of those jobs disappear at the same time and I don't mind seeing them go, but I'm paying nearly the same for the robot/self-service service there won't be much left of my paycheck to pay whatever new jobs these people have found.

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

A person needs at least 20kPa *from the mask to breathe*. Not 20kPa *ambient pressure*. Please learn to read.

The mask pressure must match the ambient pressure, or else the wearer's lungs will rupture (unless they're wearing an enclosed pressure suit). Please learn physics. Again, this is the reason for the 40,000ft flight ceiling for commercial aircraft; oxygen masks rapidly lose their effectiveness with an ambient pressure below 0.2atm, which is why pressure suits are required for pilots flying at higher altitudes. The absolute physical limit for unpressurized flight is known as the Armstrong Limit, which occurs at about 62,000 ft; even wearing an oxygen mask, your bodily fluids will start to boil above that altitude.

The "problematic loading on the capsules" is from the high speed aerodynamics, not the ambient pressure

Aerodynamic loading = pressure. If you have high loadings, you have high pressures. Period.

The high loadings are from high _variations_ in pressure. The average pressure around the capsule is still equal to the ambient pressure. Leaks in the passenger compartment are almost certainly side-facing, so the capsule will equalize to the pressure of the air on the sides of the capsule (which will be close to ambient or likely below, due to the Bernoulli principle), not the higher pressure in front. And note that the variations in pressure don't have to be very high to cause serious buffeting. The Hyperloop capsule masses 15000kg, with a frontal cross-section of about 2 m^2. Applying an extra 1atm to the front of the capsule will decelerate it faster than 1g. If the air beneath the capsule transiently becomes about 0.03atm higher density than the air above (due to turbulence or ground effect), it will lift the entire capsule off the track. This is the worrisome high-speed aerodynamics I was talking about.

Comment Re:Xfce 5 should be based on Qt. (Score 1) 91

If anything, what I want is for my DE not to be based on a major toolkit. This breaks down when it gets to the file manager

And the system settings, that one is much tighter integrated to the DE than the file manager. And it needs to manipulate the pointer. And context menus, arrange menu bars etc. so it need some kind of UI toolkit. I don't quite see what it has to gain by reinventing the wheel, it's not like pulling in Qt/Gtk drains that many resources by themselves.

Comment Re:Automation is Dependent on Design for Manufactu (Score 4, Informative) 187

At the assembly level it isn't so easy to automate with a lot of the designs. There are flex cables, adhesive, torque sensitive screws that all rely on a human to be able to manipulate and then quickly respond to misalignment. To automate this, the design constraints placed on the Industrial Designs need to change.

I think you underestimate how far sensor technology has come and will go, here for example is an example of automated salmon processing. Obviously there's a lot of natural variation, do we need to bioengineer a more robot-friendly salmon? No. They're measured out by a laser and intelligently cut. Head/tail/other cuts are dropped out to go on another processing line. Each cut is grabbed by a robot with robot vision and placed in pouches to be sealed. Skip to 3:12 if you just want to see that last part. Fillet-making machines are still in the research phase but there are examples of that too using X-rays to scan and find the pin bones. If they can deal with all that, I'm sure they can apply the right torque to a screw.

Comment Re:And still (Score 1) 196

If Pluto is a planet, then so is Eris (which is larger), and Earth's moon (around 5 times larger than Pluto) is possibly a binary planet. Ganymede, the largest moon in the solar system, is under 3% the mass of Earth and is about ten times bigger than Pluto. There are quite a lot of moons bigger than Pluto, so would you want to classify them all as planets?

Comment Re: I ride a recumbent trike (Score 1) 304

62F is apparently around 16C, which is the sort of temperature where you're going to be warm enough to not need a coat while cycling. I've not had problems cycling at any temperature above freezing (and then it's the ice on the road that's the problem, not the temperature). Do you cycle naked or something?

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

Wait, meaning that while it's technically possible, but it'd be really tricky to accomplish? Gee, I wish I had written something like "Branching would be really tricky, but there's no physical barriers" at the top of my post ;)

Well, there are physical barriers to a static design that allows branching. Actively moving an entire section of tube to reconnect it to a new one is sort of a brute-force approach, and highly unlikely that it would be worth the complexity and risk, in my opinion at least.

Drag is reduced in the first place by using hydrogen even at a given pressure. And you can use 1/4th the pressure and still maintain lift because you're moving four times as fast. And given how few reboosts are needed from LA to SF in the base case, a few more per unit distance hardly seems limiting.

1/4th the pressure is still problematic, because what do you do while you're accelerating up to speed? You'd have to use pressurized onboard gas to levitate with, which would then require more vacuum pumping with every run. The Alpha design uses wheels for "taxiing" at low speeds; it's unclear at what speed the compressor is able to provide all of the needed lift.

If you consider that the steel Hyperloop pipe draped across 30m-spaced pylons will approximate a vertical sine wave, then at 700mph the allowable sag is only about 5cm

Irrelevant because earthquakes impose far more deflection that you have to be able to counter (and that the proposal calls for countering) than a craft moving past.

Relevant because the problem is the frequency, not the amplitude. Large earthquakes tend to cause much lower-frequency deflections, which are far easier to deal with, even if the amplitude is higher. The problem I described has to do with the static height profile of the tube, not the effect of the passing capsule distorting it (which is negligible). Even if the skis (on springs) can accelerate at 10g's to maintain contact with the tube surface, then a 5cm oscillation with 30m wavelength is sufficient to cause the skis to completely lift off the surface of the tube after each pylon, causing a very jarring ride. A low-frequency earthquake deflection on the other hand, say with 200m wavelength, could not realistically have high enough amplitude to cause the skis to skip like this. Of course, if you have the bad luck to be riding the hyperloop straight over the epicenter when the earthquake lets loose, then there will be high-amplitude earthquake waves of all frequencies and all bets are off.

Mechanical braking from 1500mph in the event of an emergency is also a non-starter

What, you're picturing drum brakes or something? You're moving at high speeds in a giant steel tube. Magnetic braking couldn't possibly be easier.

The Alpha proposal calls for a "mechanical braking system"; I agree that magnetic brakes would be preferable in principle, though at Hyperloop speeds there's enough kinetic energy involved that the capsule component of the brakes would likely melt from the induced current. Permanent magnets on the capsule would probably be too heavy. And magnets/electromagnets on 350 linear miles of tube would likely be too costly/complicated. So unless there's a way to have the electromagnet component on the capsule, but make sure that nearly all the heat is dissipated in the steel tube and not the capsule, I'm not sure it would be workable. I have similar concerns about the aluminum capsule rotor, and whether it might become problematically hot during the linear acceleration/deceleration phase. A solid aluminum rotor could absorb the electromagnetically induced waste heat from 0-700mph acceleration without melting (by a factor of about 2), but the Alpha design calls for it to be hollow. And accelerating to 1500mph involves >4x the energy of 700mph.

a 700mph capsule will incur about 2g's of aerobraking deceleration

Where are you getting this from? Even if the tube was instantly full pressure (which it wouldn't be), a streamlined shape will not experience 2Gs at 700mph, any more than a passenger jet losing full engine power does. And anyway, 10g horizontal is not fatal even if that was the case. The average untrained individual, properly restrained, can tolerate 10g for a minute without even loss of cognitive function.

According to High-G training, untrained individuals tend to black out between 4 and 6 g's. (Then a few sentences later it says that one minute at 15g's could be deadly, then a few sentences after that says that several minutes at 17g's is ok. Go figure.) In any case, streamlined passenger jets are not traveling 700mph in 1atm; more like 550mph in 0.2atm. And the Hyperloop capsule is emphatically NOT streamlined; it has a honking circular front cross-section with a giant compressor on it, designed for very low-pressure input, which would immediately stop working if the pressure spikes up. Subjecting the entire Hyperloop capsule shape suddenly to 1atm, in a tube not much bigger than it is, would result in tremendous aerodynamic drag.

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

Clever, but probably unworkable given the large cross-section of the capsule relative to the tube. Even on a perfectly straight track (no banking), taking the upper branch would require the skis to "split" wide enough that the entire capsule width would fit between them. Given the Alpha design numbers (ski width 0.9m, tube diameter 2.23m, capsule width 1.34m), the skis would have to split nearly horizontal to avoid the lower-branch "gap", and it's unlikely they could function at such a steep angle. Maintaining the precise shape of a non-circular tube against vacuum pressure is also a very difficult problem.

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

And the advantage [of hydrogen] is being able to travel at mach freaking 4, not about the reduction of drag at a given speed (which is, FYI, true also).

Making the Hyperloop go that fast would require an impossibly straight and level track. Even at the Hyperloop's current design speed (Mach 0.99), the maximum allowable vertical sag of the tube between 30m-spaced pillars is only about 5cm. Any more than that, and the air ski suspension won't be able to compensate and the capsule will start skipping and bouncing. At Mach 3-4, the tube couldn't sag more than a few millimeters between pylons before overwhelming the suspension. So for the foreseeable future, the advantage of hydrogen will be that it reduces the problem of choked flow and the Kantrowitz limit at more reasonable (~700mph) speeds. By the time the Hyperloop is commonplace and we're contemplating Mach 4 travel, we'll probably be talking fully evacuated tubes with maglev like ET3. Maglev could probably also deal more flexibly with uneven track height at those speeds. Or Musk could be right in thinking that supersonic air travel is ultimately the best solution for >1000km distances.

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

The 20kPa figure (0.2 bar) is what's required to supply low-altitude-equivalent O2 partial pressure through an oxygen mask, maintaining consciousness, and is what limits commercial aircraft to a 40,000ft (0.2bar) operational ceiling. See: Cabin_Pressurization

Most people will black out if the oxygen partial pressure drops below about 14kPa. A highly conditioned athlete or acclimatized mountain climber could stay conscious with 10kPa for a short time. 7kPa O2 is equivalent to the summit of Everest without an oxygen tank; very few people can survive that for any length of time.

The "problematic loading on the capsules" is from the high speed aerodynamics, not the ambient pressure. The question is whether you can simultaneously get the ambient pressure high enough that the passengers don't suffocate, while keeping the aerodynamic forces low enough that the capsule doesn't disintegrate. This seems to be possible with a 700mph Hyperloop, but probably impossible with a 1500mph Hyperloop.

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

The main advantage to hydrogen would be overcoming the Kantrowitz choking effect caused by supersonic flow;

Yes, understood, and any design choice that further lowers the density of gas in the tube requires more compressor work for the air bearings, which require a fixed mass per second flow.

I don't think that's right. The air bearings function based on pressure, not mass density. 50Pa air + 50Pa H2 would keep the overall tube pressure the same, so the compressors' job wouldn't change. In fact, since the H2 (in my proposed design) would be injected into the ski air stream post-compression, the compressors would have less work to do, not more. The required mass flow to the skis using an air/H2 mix would actually be substantially less than in the Alpha proposal. Again, the pressure is what's important (averaging 7kPa under the skis), not the mass per se.

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

That kind of deceleration assumes an instantaneous transition from 100 to 100000 Pa, which is not possible absent total destruction of the tube immediately prior to a pod at cruise, in which case deceleration due to air is moot. Otherwise the pressure in a 381 mile long tube must rise gradually.

Ok, let's look at an emergency scenario where a capsule (not the tube) undergoes rapid depressurization. To save the passengers, the ambient pressure in the entire tube must quickly (within a few seconds) be brought up to levels at which oxygen masks will function; about 20kPa. This can be done by flooding the tube with air evenly along its length; no tube destruction required. The question is whether a 20kPa tube atmosphere would impose problematic aerobraking forces on the capsules. At 700mph, you'd probably be ok. But at 1500mph, you'd immediately be exceeding the ambient speed of sound, which would be very bad. (Flooding the tube with a high H2 mixture to keep the speed of sound high would create a very explosive environment, so that's not an option.)

Long story short: if your capsule suddenly depressurizes at 1500mph, you're dead. But at 700mph, you might still be ok. The risks and complexities associated with hypersonic tube travel seem to outweigh the benefits, at least for now. Subsonic is good enough, really.

Comment Re:It's almost like the Concord verses the 747 aga (Score 1) 157

Keep in mind that these quotes are all excerpted from articles by bloggers, not engineers. The skis connect to the capsule through a hefty suspension, so minor bumps won't be transmitted to the passenger compartment. There will be no lateral acceleration experienced by passengers; the capsule would bank freely like a bobsled, so all banking acceleration will be perceived as vertical (as in an airplane), pressing you down into your reclined seat, thus much less barf-inducing. The noise levels shouldn't be problematic, since the ducted/bypassed air is still at extremely low pressure (2kPa, equivalent to 30km/90,000ft altitude), and can be sonically isolated from the cabin. The airflow around the exterior of the capsule is vanishingly thin, so it should produce hardly any noise at all.

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