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Comment Moo (Score 1) 1

At some point, having a server (like Linode) becomes well worth it. As long as you have a network connection, you can connect to your one development box.

Comment Re:Sure, some access is bad (Score 1) 53

"Unless they ask the IRS to make you accountable to them"

There is a better way: make taxes voluntary, fund the government at zero cost through the Fed. The private sector creates at least an order of magnitude more money than government, so there is plenty of room to expand the public money supply.

Indexation of everything (including savings, salaries, transfer payments) eliminates any potential "inflation tax".

Comment Re:if you think it's a free speech issue--- (Score 0) 311

Then let's fix society. Start with a basic income, so that no one has to worry about being on the streets if they lose a job (but you could still live on the streets if you wanted, the basic income should be opt-in). We produce enough surplus to support everyone at a certain minimum standard of living.

Then when people are freed from the fear of starving if they lose their job, they can work on changing societal attitudes, about naked pictures for example. Screw the hypocritical prudes who think the naked body is something shameful, to ridicule. Societal attitudes can turn on a dime; consider that Kerry lost the 2004 election because of anti-gay marriage sentiment. Things have changed.

Comment Re:Artists paid 16 times as much for Spotify than (Score 1) 305

Your economics are feudal and obsolete. There is no production capacity shortage; there is an artificial, imposed scarcity of money. Technology means we need far fewer production workers. Take ships: when Columbus came to America how many men did he need to sail his ships? Today the new supertankers can transport many, many orders of magnitude more cargo than Columbus could carry, with a crew of 13.

So instead of producing things, we employ people to watch over the huge surpluses accumulated, and to create liquidity via sketchy financial schemes such as toxic assets.

Basic Income frees individuals to be individually creative, without having to get some dumb boss to sign off on it first.

Comment Re:Fuck you for wanting to profit off your art! (Score 1) 305

No, leave the current system alone, so you can still choose to play in its game. Basic income provides a choice for those who want to play in games other than those dominated by economic motivations. I may have betrayed my own artistic preferences; but I would neither require anyone to take a basic income, nor restrict the market's desire to pay anyone what it can bear.

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