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Submission + - Microsoft's treatment towards Google defectors (valleywag.com)

Miguel de Icaza writes: "Here is a story revealing just how threatened microsoft are by google. While senior partners can expect the full chair experience, some lowly staffers who are putting in their notice are being escorted off campus immediately. Why? Because they've put in their notice to join Google. In Microsoft's eyes, Google is Enemy No. 1. Anyone leaving Redmond for the search leader is a threat. Not because they'll scurry around collecting company secrets — as if Google's interested in Microsoft's '90s-era technologies. Departing employees, however, might tell other 'Softies how much better Google is. If an employee is leaving for Amazon.com or another second-tier employer which doesn't make Microsoft so paranoid, they'll probably serve out the traditional two weeks of unproductive wrapping up. So if you're planning on leaving Microsoft for Google, pack up your belongings and say goodbye to friends ahead of time. There'll be no cake and two weeks of paid slacking for you."

Submission + - JPC is now open source (ox.ac.uk)

Miguel de Icaza writes: "JPC, the pure java x86 PC emulator, is one of the coolest things I've seen done with FreeDOS in the last few years. An early preview demonstration was previously discussed on slashdot, but it is now GPL licenced for all. It allows you to boot an instance of FreeDOS in a Java window on your web browser. From there, you can run programs, games, etc. This presents a wonderful opportunity to embed FreeDOS in other systems, or to increase the availability of FreeDOS and DOS applications to users. And now the JPC team has made an important announcement: "Further to your interest in JPC (pure java x86 PC emulator) we are pleased to announce that, with permission of Oxford University, the source code to JPC is now available via the GPL version 2 open source licence." To try JPC or download the source code, visit the project website at: http://www-jpc.physics.ox.ac.uk. But does it run linux?"
User Journal

Journal Journal: Slashdot Message for Miguel de Icaza

Metamoderation Results
sent by Slashdot Message System on Monday December 01, @07:05PM
Some of your past moderations have been meta-moderated by other Slashdot readers. Here are the exciting results:

  • "Pretty sweet" from the discussion "Windows iTunes Sells A Million Songs In 3.5 Days" which you moderated as Redundant was voted Fair.

Thank you for moderating.

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