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Comment Re:I believe it (Score 1) 1010

The theory of relativity, the theory of evolution, the theory of causality, and theory of capitalism, all UNPROVEN, and at this time UNPROVABLE.

Your lack of faith should not be assumed to prove or disprove anything...

That being said I can see why so many people in Texas believe in so-called 'Intelligent Design', evolution skipped them.

Comment Back in the stone ages... (Score 1) 157

We went to the MA-Bell/(insert local phone company here) pay phone that was on nearly every block and dropped a dime in the slot, made a call and wandered on about our business. If you were a drug dealer, or so self absorbed that you could not be out of touch you carried an ancient device known as a pager.

Comment Re:So a commission to cut your own throat? (Score 1) 80

Love the quote, thank-you. Asimov and your signature author Heinlein are two of my favorites. On a side note I also collect authors' signatures, and that is hard to do on an electronic version. I've spent countless hours in pursuit of authors and had great luck getting them to sign my books. Like I posted to previous reply, I share around a circle of friends and they also buy books so the costs are shared, with the added benefit of getting to chat at our bi-monthly pen and paper RPG sessions. We've been playing D&D, and Gurps together for more than 20 years now.

Comment Re:So a commission to cut your own throat? (Score 1) 80

If I could find a way to hand the e-book around the my circle of reading buddies it might become inviting but as many books as I offer them, they return so the price is split several ways making the physical book even more attractive. I will stipulate that part of the attraction of a book is a visceral smell and feel of paper.

Comment Re:EPIC failure (Score 3, Insightful) 243

Ditto that comment. I really hate the fact that HP gets any credit for NON-STOP, Tandems baby, or VAX and Alpha, 2 of the 3 great things that Digital brought forth into this world, the other WAS Alta-Vista. The only thing HP ever did well was printers and that time has LONG since passed...

Note : I spent several years supporting all of the above machines and may be a bit biased.

Comment Re:So a commission to cut your own throat? (Score 1) 80

I've got a Kindle and it is great for magazines, but I still buy hardcopy books. There is something about the smell and feel of a book, not to mention the hand me down effect. My brother, the next door neighbor and the local school library all seem to appreciate getting the books to read for free, and I really like frequenting half-price books, granted the .25 to 1.00 I get back in trade is not much but considering I read 2-3 books a week it DOES add up.
  If the cost of an online book was substantially cheaper than a hard copy I might feel different but it really isn't...

Comment Re:Not, however, if it's handsfree (Score 2) 638

That is the way the California Motor Vehicle code was written. It states that ANYTHING which might interfere with your ability to drive a motor vehicle safely, which includes texting, adjusting the radio, even chewing gum for a sadly large portion of the population, is prohibited. It allows for the officer to make a judgment call based on the skills and performance of the driver in question. The anti-cell phone/texting laws are a bunch of politicians grandstanding to get attention, imagine that. There are exceptions for law enforcement persons so they can use their monitors to check vehicle plates and registration numbers. Statistics show that traffic deaths are the greatest killer of on-duty cops.


Comment Wikipedia as a credible source ?!?! (Score 0) 219

Not even close. Wikipedia is a decent starting place to see if you are even in the ball park regarding things but a credible, citable source, not in my book, nor in the eyes of any instructor I've ever dealt with. As a possible solution, articles that have been touched by a PR firm should be marked as such and flagged as potentially unreliable. I honestly think that Wikipedia should be treated as an encyclopedia and NOT contain any entries to companies, corporations or services beyond a reference to a site that the entity maintains themselves, and if said entity attempts to alter such an entry they should be locked down and IDENTIFIED as bad-wiki citizen.

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