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Comment Re:Why do they do this in the US? (Score 1) 1264

Makes one to think on how would nation where almost every male has been deprived of full pleasure in life, would substitue that and if it would affect its foreign policy, military action, etc. I guess, that examining correlation between violence and jews, muslims and americans sharing this 'tradition' would be taking a step too far. Or maybe not?

Comment Re:stalking survivors? (Score 1) 283

If you put it that way, then i might need to agree with you, that stalking kills people. However, i still cant put my head round the idea, mainly becouse 1000 foot fall would kill with 100% certainty (if you jump with parachute, then it is not called a fall), while stalking does kill people with quite low probability. Thats why I do not agree with using word 'survivor' in context of stalking, but completely agree in context of 'assault' or '1000 foot fall'

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